EDHS Bulletin for Wednesday 12/18/2019

El Diamante High School Daily Bulletin edhs-bulletin at mailman.vusd.org
Tue Dec 17 15:47:18 PST 2019

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El Diamante High School
A California Distinguished School & Home of the Miners!
Daily Bulletin

Wednesday - December 18th, 2019

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Student Attendance - If you need to call Attendance to clear an absence or have your student released for an appointment, please call your Attendance person directly using the information below:

All 12th Grade Students
Grades 9-11
Last Names A-K
Grades 9-11
Last Names L-Z
Mrs. Gomez
Mrs. Stack
Mrs. Gates



*         Link Crew would like to invite our freshmen to come study for finals during Cocoa and Cram. Join us in the library from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM TODAY Wednesday December 18th to study with other freshmen and our Link Crew leaders. Snacks and cocoa will be provided when you need a study break!

Old Announcements:

*         Attention students: The lost and found is in the Discipline Office. If you lost an item, please be sure to check in the Discipline Office before December 20th. Items that are not claimed, will be donated to Goodwill. Thanks.

*         Open Court for tennis on December 17th, January 14th & 16th from 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM. Boys Tennis tryouts begin January 20th from 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM for all athletes not in a winter sport. No experience necessary. For more information, see Coach Harding in room 914 or at the courts after school.

*         Baseball tryouts will begin on Monday, January 13th at 3:30 PM at the Varsity Baseball field for all grade levels.

*         For any girls interested in trying out for softball, on Monday, January 13th, we will be having a practice day from 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM on the varsity field. We will be having tryouts Tuesday the 14th until Thursday the 16th. All girls are welcome to try out, and if you are currently in another sport but would like to try out for softball after your season, please come talk to Ms. Emerson in the girls PE office inside of the locker room. Thank you!

*         All swimmers and divers - Girls and Boys. Practice will start after vacation. Please make sure you have completed your physical paperwork and family ID online in order to practice. Boys will meet at the pool on Monday January 13th and start pool workouts on Tuesday, January 14th. Girls will meet on Tuesday, January 14th and start in pool Tuesday, January 21st.  Please see Coach Ruby in room 365 or Coach Mirwald in Room 501 to get a code for Remind accounts for all teams if you are not on remind.

*         FOR THE LOVE OF ART! - Are you or do you know a high school student artist looking to make $ on their art?  Visalia Education Foundation (VEF) can students sell their art...it's easy and fun!  Check out VEF's website for information on their upcoming art show and sale, For the Love of Art at http://www.visaliaedfoundation.org/. The deadline for submission is Thursday, February 27th, but it's not too early to start thinking about what you'll create!

*         Beanies will be allowed during the colder months from now until February 29th, 2020 and must be of a solid color or contain the school logo.  All approved headgear must not cover the face and shall be worn as intended to provide protection outdoors only and may not be worn indoors.  The school or district is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged headgear.

*         2nd Semester Schedule Changes:  Due to the lack of openings in classes, there will be no schedule changes unless the following errors occur:

1.      You have an incomplete schedule.

2.      You have already completed and passed a class listed on your schedule or

3.      You need to be enrolled in a required class that is missing from your schedule.
Requests for teacher changes and period changes or elective changes cannot be accommodated due to the impact these type of change have on class size. If you want to drop an AP class, please see your AP teacher or the Student Services Office for the Request to Drop an AP Course form. Please review this form with your AP teacher and Parents and obtain the required signatures. Student Services encourages you to fill out a request to see your LD if you have concerns with your schedule.

*         The El Diamante<x-apple-data-detectors://0> Choir is selling EDHS logo Blankets and Pop Sockets. They make for great Christmas presents and stocking stuffers. Stop by the choir room during lunch, or shop our online store at www.squareup.com/store/edhschoir<http://www.squareup.com/store/edhschoir>

*         The EDHS PTSA is looking for your used Miner Gear.  If you have Miner shirts, shorts, sweats, etc that are too small/large or just sitting in your closet, please consider donating them to the PTSA.  We will resell them at our meetings, and proceeds will go toward Holiday Care Packages and student scholarships.  You can drop them off in the office, in a bag labeled "PTSA."


*         The El Diamante High School Local Scholarship Application is now open. The deadline to submit your application is Friday, January 31st, 2020 at 4:00 PM.  To submit your application, please click here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1IixwRQfIVi-A0JqTeUgnddvT29pu3RvkdjJshRBnNDc/>.

*         CASH FOR COLLEGE F.A.F.S.A. NIGHT: SENIORS ONLY - Monday, February 3rd, 2020 EDHS Library.

Session 1:  4:00 - 5:00 pm   English language and Spanish Language
Session 2:  5:00- 6:00 pm   English language and Spanish Language
You must sign-up in the Student Services Office beginning TODAY to hold your place for a session at this event. Last day to sign up is January 31st!  Please be sure to have a FAFSA FSA ID before the workshop! Every senior and their parent must have one in order to submit their FAFSA or Dream Act Application.

*         Seniors: Grad Nite is Friday, May 15th, 2020. The destination will be Disneyland and CA Adventures Park. The cost for Grad Nite is $245, CASH ONLY; tickets will go on sale at 7:30 a.m. on Monday, March 9th, 2020 - this is the ONLY day you can purchase tickets. The ticket is non-refundable! You will need to line up to purchase your tickets with the people you want to be on the same bus with.  There will be NO BUS CHANGES after you purchase your ticket.  Students are not permitted on campus until 7:00 a.m. - "camping out" is not allowed.  In order to purchase your tickets to Grad Nite, you MUST be on track to graduate, be on track with a 94% attendance rate the week prior to Grad Nite and make sure to clear all fines through the Finance office and the Library.  You will not be admitted to purchase tickets for Grad Nite without a completed Grad Nite Permission packet which includes your parent signatures and signatures from the library and finance office.  NO EXCEPTIONS.  Copies of the permission packet will be provide to seniors at the Senior Meeting in February. Afterwards, they will also be available on the EDHS website and in the Student Services Office.

*         Seniors below are some important dates to remember:

Senior Check List

Important Event

Senior Portrait - Summer - Call Essence @ 741-1257

Miner Roundup - Senior Portraits Taken
August 8th

Senior Sunrise
August 22nd

Senior Portrait Make-ups
October 1st

Order Cap, Gown and Announcements  - Civics/Econ
October 28th

Senior Panoramic Picture - Homeroom
November 14th

CSU & UC Applications Close
November 30th

Last day to order yearbook w/name imprint
January 31st

Last day to order Senior Ad to place in yearbook
January 31st

EDHS Local Scholarship Deadline
January 31st

FAFSA Deadline
March 2nd

Grad Nite Ticket Sales (TODAY ONLY) at 7:30 AM EDHS Gym
March 9th

Cap & Gown Delivery - Homeroom
March 17th

Scholarship Night - EDHS Theatre at 6:30 PM
May 4th

Grad Nite - Leave EDHS at 7:30 AM
May 15th

Reflections Assembly & Sr. BBQ - 3rd period (Tentative Schedule)
May 26th

Senior Finals - Periods 2, 4 & 6
May 29th

Senior Finals - Make-ups - All periods
June 1st

Senior Finals - Periods 0, 1, 3, & 5
June 2nd

Commencement Practice - MK Bowl at 8:00 AM
June 3rd

Commencement Ceremony - MK Bowl at 7:30 PM
June 3rd



Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Cocoa & Cram 1-3pm in EDHS Library
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Finals 0, 2 & 4
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Combined Band/Orchestra Concert - L. J. Williams Theater @ 7:00 PM
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Finals 0, 1 & 3
Friday, December 20, 2019
Finals 5 & 6
Monday, December 23, 2019
Winter Break; school back in session on 1/13/2020


Holiday Grams
T. Perez<mailto:tperez at vusd.org>
Wooden Trees
Veldhuizen<mailto:aveldhuizen at vusd.org>
SLC 316
Cookie Sales
Booker<mailto:cbooker at vusd.org>
Chili Verde Dinner
Witt<mailto:jwitt at vusd.org>


Week of December 16th - December 21st

Game Time
Boys Soccer
Dec. 18
Porterville @ EDHS
4:30 PM
Boys Soccer
Dec. 18
Porterville @ EDHS
6:00 PM
Boys Basketball
Dec. 18
Tulare Tournament @ Tulare

Boys Basketball
Dec. 19
Tulare Tournament @ Tulare

Boys Basketball
Dec. 20
Tulare Tournament @ Tulare

Boys Soccer
Dec. 21
Lemoore Tournament @ Lemoore HS
8:45 AM
10:15 AM
Boys Basketball
Dec. 21
Tulare Tournament @ Tulare


*         The Visalia Adult School is now offering open enrollment in their ESL, Adult Basic Education, High School Equivalency & High School Diploma courses. Please see the attachment, "Visalia Adult School" for more information.

*         Attention Parents: If you are interested in requesting a meeting with the your student's Learning Director, please fill out the appointment request form by following the link below:

o    https://goo.gl/jxgTxn

*         Attention Parents: To purchase Miner Swag please visit the EDHS Fan store on the EDHS Website.

To subscribe or unsubscribe to the bulletin http://mailman.visalia.k12.ca.us/mailman/listinfo/edhs-bulletin

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