Bulletin for 9-17
El Diamante High School Daily Bulletin
edhs-bulletin at mailman.vusd.org
Wed Sep 16 17:06:33 PDT 2020
El Diamante High School
A California Distinguished School & Home of the Miners!
Daily Bulletin
Thursday, September 17, 2020
VUSD Announces<https://www.vusd.org/site/default.aspx?PageType=3&DomainID=797&ModuleInstanceID=9045&ViewID=6446EE88-D30C-497E-9316-3F8874B3E108&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=84952&PageID=6472> Grab-n-Go Meals Services
Meal service will continue during the school year but ONLY ON THURSDAYS at two service times: 10-12pm and 5-7pm. Breakfast and lunch will be provided for the entire week. Click here<https://www.vusd.org/eldiamante> for resources and/or more information.
Student Attendance - If you need to call Attendance to clear an absence or have your student excused for an appointment in advance, please call your Attendance Office at 735-3501 directly.
* The First EDHS Ablaze Catholic Club meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 9/17 at 11:30am, email Mrs. Jacobsma at njacobma at vusd.org<mailto:njacobma at vusd.org> for the zoom link!
* A Message from our Librarian- Hi to all our EDHS students! We would love for you to view our Schoology site and request a library book or two or three. Our plan is as follows: Print requests, fill requests, check books out and have them available by the following morning. We will email you when your books are ready, all you need to do is stop by the attendance office and pick them up! We are excited to hear from you soon........ Mrs. Evaro and Mrs. Coppola
* Join the VUSD Equity Instagram Page by following vusd_equity.
Previous Announcements:
* P1 Grades are coming up quickly, Friday, September 18. Make sure your assignments are turned in and to reach out to your teachers if you have questions about your grade.
* Key Club Registration time! Key Club International is a service club that works with the West Visalia Kiwanis to serve our school and community. Please complete the following Google Form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdMUg8p51qFCQe7koZYg455CLR29WBxfJyVlQRH9-fiYXVTlQ/viewform> to show your interest in being a part of Key Club International for the 2020-2021 school year. Message Miss Elder at selder at vusd.org if you have any questions. Our first official club meeting will be scheduled soon.
* College Application Season is here. We have available resources for launching your UC, CSU, Community College and FAFSA application through CCGI. This is the best way for Ms. Garcia to be able to assist you with monitoring what you have submitted. Please remember to launch your applications through your California College account.<https://sites.google.com/vusd.us/vusd-ccr/college-career-readiness/college-application-process> Please reach out via email to Ms. Garcia if you have questions about this process.
* Class of 2024: Hello, Miner families! In hopeful anticipation of athletics resuming in late December, we need to get names of all 9th graders interested in athletics. Please click on the click here to complete this survey link.<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSes_zVnhONIL-gc1Ig67P2o_2FtArIYpZhnmmz6pyZGZ3vTHQ/viewform>
* The Yearbook Theme for the week is “Face Masks.” Here is the link to this week’s Google Form where students can submit photos and answer interview questions: https://forms.gle/JLxHNDPD8nLzaef98
* CAL GRANT OPT OUT: With the implementation of Assembly Bill 2160, California public high schools are required to submit a Cal Grant high school Grade Point Average (GPA) for all graduating seniors, unless the student or parent has opted out of the submission process. If you do not want El Diamante High School to report a GPA, please fill out the Opt Out Form<file:///C:\Users\mvang01\2-%20September\gpa_opt_out.pdf> online and email it to Mrs. Marsh, mmarsh at vusd.org<mailto:mmarsh at vusd.org> in the Student Services Office before October 1st or drop it off to Student Services Office.
* For a DMV Pink slip request, please go to the website here: DMV Pink Slip<https://www.vusd.org/Page/18235> and allow one week for processing.
* Register to attend the various College Presentations being hosted by our Districts’ College and Career Readiness Office. Freshmen and Sophomore Parent Night has been schedule for September 30th and you can RSVP HERE<https://www.smore.com/hr9k3f-college-and-career-newsletter?ref=email> .
* Grand Canyon University: Meet with Kayla Waters. Come listen and ask questions about this college life! This is a live webinar with admissions representative Kayla Waters. The webinar will take place Wednesday, September 23, at 12:00 PM. Put it on your calendar and register HERE!<https://vusd-us.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1kJbZuJNTEuDNgCGTSqZjA>
• VUSD Social Emotional Wellness provides resources for students and families during this time. Please click here<https://www.vusd.org/Page/18452> to be directed to the website directly.
• Yearbook: The Yearbook Theme for the week is “First Day/Weeks of School” Here is the link to this week’s Google Form where students can submit photos and answer interview questions: https://forms.gle/FsnJnBD1ZEk6peBm9 Students can fill out the Google Form on Chromebooks or phones. Looking forward to seeing everyone's photos and hearing how everyone is doing!
• PSAT testing date has been moved to January 26, 2021. More information to come as we receive updates from College Board. Contact Mr. Elms at 735-3511 if you have questions.
* Seniors! Please check out the updated District Website for resources on College planning and application season. Click HERE.<https://sites.google.com/vusd.us/vusd-ccr/college-career-readiness>
* All College and Career Presentations will take place primarily through our District Offices’ College and Career Readiness Department. To keep updated on college speakers and presenters, please reference this website and RSVP using the links provided. Click HERE for more details.<https://www.smore.com/hr9k3f-college-and-career-newsletter?ref=email>
Seniors Portraits: We are working with Essence Photography to confirm a date and time where we can provide the opportunity for seniors to take their senior portraits on campus. We are following CDE and Health Department guidelines. Please contact Essence directly if you want to schedule an appointment with them, phone number 741-1257. As soon as a date is set, we will inform parents and seniors.
• COS Senior Informational Meeting: There will be a COS Informational meeting on Wednesday, September 23 via zoom. All seniors who are interested in attending COS after high school must watch this prerecorded information session hosted by COS. Following this session, there will be a Questions and Answer session with COS’ Mrs. Salazar from 9-10am via zoom. The 9am Q & A link will be shared with your senior homeroom teachers and posted on Schoology. The prerecorded video will be emailed to all seniors through Schoology too. Please email Ms. Garcia if you have questions.
• Senior Students are able to order Cap and Gown for Graduation 2021 right now or wait until October 28th for the virtual presentation in Homeroom. If you prefer to order now, student and parents can put in an order in the following ways:
1. going to Jostens.com OR
2. Mail their order to the local Visalia Office OR
3. Place their order in person at the local Visalia Office at 1222 W. Murray Ave.
a. They have extended their office hours in October and early November on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am-7pm and be open on Saturdays from 10am-3pm in addition to their regular MWF from 10am-5pm.
• SENIORS- UC Application Workshop will be held via Zoom this year with Mrs. Elizabeth Lopez from UC Merced. The application workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, October 7th from 10-11am. Please fill out the form HERE<https://rb.gy/oihtaq> to RSVP for the workshop. Seniors will receive the zoom invite the day prior to the event.
• Seniors below are some important dates to remember:
Senior Check List
Important Event
Senior Portrait – Summer – Call Essence @ 741-1257
Immediately or wait until school is able to schedule this.
Senior Portrait Make-ups
To Be Determined
TCOE Virtual College Night
September 8 @ 5-7pm
COS Virtual Senior Meeting in Homeroom, Q &A session at 9am via Zoom with COS’ Mrs. Salazar
September 23
UC Application Workshop
October 7 @10-11am
FAFSA/Dream Act Virtual Application Workshop
October 12 from 5-8pm
Virtual Cap, Gown and Announcements in Homeroom
October 28th
PLEASE CLICK HERE<https://www.vusd.org/Page/18230> FOR ALL
Friday, September 18, 2020 End of Grading Period 1
To Be Determined Academic Awards Night 6:30pm @LJ Williams
(Spring 2020 recipients AND Fall 2019 recipients)
Wednesday, September 23, 2020 Welcome Rally during homeroom
Athletics continues to be suspended until further notice.
• Attention Juniors and Seniors who are thinking of playing sports in College. You must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center to be eligible to participate. Students must be enrolled in a certain number of academic courses in high school to qualify to play at the college level. Qualifications vary based off of the division in which your college participates in athletics. See your Learning Director if you have questions or concerns.
* Our first PTSA (Parent/Teacher/Student Association) meeting will be held on Monday, September 14, 2020 at 5:30 pm on Zoom. Here is the link to the meeting PTSA Link<https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88932146842?pwd=c2VScS8xb3JnWWVFa2d3b3VLdDBmdz09%20All%20>. All are welcome to come and hear what is happening at El Diamante! There will be reports from our ASB student leaders, and Principal Hohne will also be there to give a report. There will be a Q & A time with Mr. Hohne, to help parents & students navigate this new way of doing school! Any questions, please contact Dawn Vink at dvink10 at gmail.com<mailto:dvink10 at gmail.com>. Join PTSA here: https://jointotem.com/ca/visalia/el-diamante-high-school-ptsa
* Attention Parents: To purchase Miner Swag please visit the EDHS Fan store on the EDHS Website. http://vusd.org/ElDiamante
• El Diamante School Marquee messages available to purchase for $50 a week. Say Happy Birthday or Congratulations to your student. Call the office at 735-3501 for details and ask for Ms. Trevino.
• Congratulate your Senior with a Yearbook Ad! Send a message to your graduating senior that will last forever. Get them an ad in the senior section of the yearbook. This year, because of Distance Learning, senior ads will be created and paid for on Jostens.com. Just go to the website, search for El Diamante and follow the instructions. Also, please fill out the attached form and send a picture or scan to Mark Abbott (mabbott at vusd.us) so the Yearbook team knows who is planning on doing a senior ad.
• If you are interested in requesting a meeting with your student’s Learning Director, please fill out the appointment request form by clicking HERE<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6XA-y6eXNQXmWSbLd1KB9JU2aSLXVgpnEuDvV2_lxJNgI6Q/viewform>.
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