EDHS Bulletin for Monday 3/1/21
El Diamante High School Daily Bulletin
edhs-bulletin at mailman.vusd.org
Fri Feb 26 16:05:52 PST 2021
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El Diamante High School
A California Distinguished School & Home of the Miners!
Daily Bulletin
Monday - March 1st, 2021
VUSD Announces Grab-n-Go Meals Services
Meal Service will continue during this school year but ONLY on THURSDAYS at two service times: 10AM-12PM and 5PM-7PM. Breakfast and lunch will be provided for the entire week. Click here<https://www.vusd.org/Page/18453> for resources and/or more information.
Student Attendance - If you need to call Attendance to clear an absence or have your student excused for an appointment, please call the Attendance office using the information below:
All 12th Grade Students
Grades 9-11
Last Names A-K
Grades 9-11
Last Names L-Z
Mrs. Gomez
Mrs. Cervantes
Mrs. Orozco
Previous Announcements:
* Interested in trying out for the 2021-22 In Motion Dance Team? Come to a Zoom workshop TOMORROW, March 2nd from 3:15-4:30 PM dressed out and ready to learn choreography. Please contact Miss Skadan for any questions. Zoom Workshop Link: https://vusd-us.zoom.us/j/97736525708.
* Academic Awards Night has been rescheduled to Monday, March 8th from 4:30-7:30 PM. This will be a drive thru event and will take place in our Main Parking Lot.
* Attention EDHS Students Grades 9-11: Picture Day has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 10th and Thursday, March 11th. This will be a drive thru event and you will have to make an appointment. When you arrive, we ask that you wear a face mask until your appointment starts. Only the student(s) being photographed will be permitted during the appointment. To make an appointment click here<https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d48afaa23aaf4ce9-eldiamante> or see the flyer attached.
* Attention EDHS students: For the following Monday holidays (4/5, 5/31), we will resume the week as follows to provide more instructional time. Please note that instruction will take place on these Wednesdays:
* Monday - Holiday
* Tuesday - Periods 0, 1, 3, & 5
* Wednesday - Periods 0 Flex, 2, 4, & 6
* Thursday - Periods 1, 3, & 5
* Friday - Periods 0, 2, 4, & 6
* Attention EDHS Students: If you are interested in being in the Yearbook class for the 2021-22 school year, the application is now available. Click the following link to apply: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_6ePT0YgvLGD0sPF7Vtdd5Qp3BrZ5ZYDNgMAkZxCM3ksFRQ/viewform. If you have any questions, email Mr. Abbott at abbott at vusd.org<mailto:abbott at vusd.org>.
* Hello El D Students! This is a message from El D Yearbook. We would love to get any pictures you have (or want to take) that show you in sports/clubs/organizations to include in the Yearbook. Please click on the link below and open the Google doc. Then find your sport or club or organization and click on the link. You will be directed to a Google Form that you can fill out and submit pictures for the Yearbook. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IIAu8Z6mf7kWFUWozDK8_TR6aikITWrbW6yaQLREwjk/edit. Please note that pictures should demonstrate social distancing and facemasks or they may not make it in the Yearbook. If your sport/club/organization does not have a link, then check back again in a week or two and hopefully it should be ready. Please email Mr. Abbott (mabbott at vusd.org<mailto:mabbott at vusd.org>) with any questions, suggestions, or concerns. Thanks! El D Yearbook!
* XL El Diamante Program- If you are wanting to participate in any XL Enrichment or need help with Tutoring you can click on the link https://sites.google.com/view/eld-xl/ and you will be directed to our XL website. You will see all our updated Schedules and Zoom tabs for XL Enrichment/Tutoring and TBA Workshops. Also, if you would like to receive a full week of snack you are more the welcome to come down to 505 N. Court Visalia every Wednesday from 11:30 PM-12:30 PM. Make sure to bring your school ID for proof of identification. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mr. Ybarra 559-972-2101 or via email sybarra at pyheart.org<mailto:sybarra at pyheart.org>.
* Students interested in getting their DMV pink slip, please click here<https://www.vusd.org/Page/18235> to put in a request for one. Please allow one week for processing.
* Attention Students: If you are under the age of 18 and have a job, you MUST have a work permit on file with El Diamante and your employer. Click here<https://www.vusd.org/Page/18707> to download the application and/or for more information.
* Join the VUSD Equity Instagram Page by following vusd_equity.
* VUSD Social Emotional Wellness provides resources for students and families during this time. Please click here<https://sites.google.com/vusd.us/sel-resources-covid-19/home> to be directed to the website.
* ASVAB Test: Due to the pandemic and the campus being closed, we are NOT able to administer the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test on site. In order to still take the ASVAB test at the Visalia office location, you MUST:
* Be 17 years old and have parent permission
* Contact our representative, Staff Sergeant Julio Gonzalez by email julio.c.gonzalez.mil at mail.mil<mailto:julio.c.gonzalez.mil at mail.mil> or by phone: Office# 559-627-1906 Cell# 559-545-6898 to make an appointment.
* Seniors - You may place your cap and gown orders the following ways:
* Visit Jostens.com
* Call 1-800-JOSTENS
* Visit or mail in your order to the Visalia office at 1222 W. Murray Ave. Visalia, CA 93291
* Attention Seniors: If you are planning to attend COS after graduation and want priority registration, you will need to follow the 3 steps below. For more COS information click here<https://www.vusd.org/Page/19035>.
1. Apply for Summer/Fall 2021: Submit a COS Summer/Fall application
2. Counseling Appointment: February-April 2021 Online
3. RSVP and Register for Classes @ STEPS: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 and Thursday, April 22, 2021 Online via Zoom
* Attention Seniors: COS Financial Aid will be hosting FAFSA/Dream Act support sessions via Zoom on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 AM - 3 PM. These sessions will continue through March 2nd, 2021. Get help with applications and ask questions about the financial aid process. Please see the attached flyer for the Zoom info or click here<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LK5KPKgjA_vTflf0X_aEo-K-u6NtOdJX/view?usp=sharing>.
* Attention Seniors! There will be COS Admissions Support Sessions every Wednesday through April 14th, 2021. COS representatives will be available to assist high school seniors with their COS admissions application for Summer/Fall 2021! Questions? Email Crystal Salazar at crystals at cos.edu<mailto:crystals at cos.edu> or click here<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lwban3ZVlW5p3n5DM96CE-jHG5r89g3G/view?usp=sharing> to view the flyer for the Zoom Link and Meeting ID.
* Seniors: The PTSA Scholarship application is now available from Student Services (Ms. Garcia) or from PTSA (dvink10 at gmail.com<mailto:dvink10 at gmail.com>). Email either one to get an application sent to you. The scholarship is $500, the deadline is March 15th, and you must be a PTSA member for at least 30 days before the deadline.
* Attention Seniors! Miner Foundation Scholarship applications are now available. Miner Foundation will be giving out 18 - $500 scholarships and the $1,000 Mike Waters Scholarship. The application is available on the El Diamante Scholarship page<https://www.canva.com/design/DAEJGkfoFKI/3SOK5zL5v6wuDf1ceDoPFQ/view>. Applications must be received by March 31, 2021. If you have any questions please email EDHSMinerFoundation at gmail.com<mailto:EDHSMinerFoundation at gmail.com>.
* Attention Seniors: UC Irvine's Hmong Student Association would like to invite you to their 8th annual high school outreach program, Hmong inspired to gain higher education and recruitment. The program will be held virtually through Zoom and will be 2 days: Saturday, April 3rd, 2021 and Sunday, April 4th, 2021. Everybody is highly encouraged to apply. Applications are due (postmark) by 11:59 PM on Friday, February 5th, 2021. Click here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeCPBQtONztBC45oFjb7XycCrCcQfbT8ECuxUFHzI5peV-puw/viewform> if interested.
Seniors! Please see the important deadlines below:
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Deadline for FAFSA/Dream Act Applications
PLEASE CLICK HERE<https://www.canva.com/design/DAEJGkfoFKI/3SOK5zL5v6wuDf1ceDoPFQ/view> FOR ALL
* Attention Students: Season 2 sports have been cleared to begin conditioning. For more information click here<https://www.vusd.org/domain/801>. If you have any questions, you can contact our Athletic Director, Jake Kiser at jkiser at vusd.org<mailto:jkiser at vusd.org> or 735-3521.
* Attention Juniors and Seniors who are thinking of playing sports in College. You MUST register with the NCAA Eligibility Center to be eligible to participate. Students must be enrolled in a certain number of academic courses in High School to qualify at the college level. Qualifications vary based on the division in which your College participates in athletics. Speak with your Learning Director if you have any questions or concerns.
* El Diamante School Marquee messages are available to purchase for $50 a week. Say Happy Birthday or Congratulations to your student. Call the office at 735-3501 if interested.
* Attention Parents: If you are interested in requesting a meeting with your student's Learning Director, please click here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6XA-y6eXNQXmWSbLd1KB9JU2aSLXVgpnEuDvV2_lxJNgI6Q/viewform> to fill out the appointment request form.
* Attention Parents: To purchase Miner Swag please visit the EDHS Fan Store by clicking here<https://webstores.activenetwork.com/school-software/el_diamante_high_sch/>.
To subscribe or unsubscribe to the bulletin http://mailman.visalia.k12.ca.us/mailman/listinfo/edhs-bulletin
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