[GWHS-Bulletin] bulletin08.25.17

Cabasa, Nora ncabasa at visalia.k12.ca.us
Thu Aug 24 16:20:29 PDT 2017

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Daily Bulletin - Volume 39; Issue 11
Friday, August 25, 2017

Back to School Night is Tuesday, August 29, 2017 @ 6PM

Parents and Students:

9th Grade Students:  If you did not pick up your Blazer Country Shirt on Thursday, August 24, you can pick it up on Monday August 28th at lunch in front of the ASB Room/Library.

Make up pictures will be taken on Thursday September 7th.  If you would like to purchase pictures, there are extra picture fliers in the front office, also if you do not have an ID card you must be photographed on this date.

*If you have purchased an ASB card you must show your receipt at the time pictures are taken*
Attention ALL Seniors that have not taken our senior portraits with Verissimo Photography will take pictures during your Civics & Econ Class on Sept 7th.

Seniors don't forget to tell your parents to purchase your Senior Tribute. They are still on sale, however, the prices will be increased on September 8th. Pick up a form in the office or at lunch in room A-11.

Dress Code: please be advised that dress code will be strictly enforced.  Please refer to the student conduct code handbook for the dress code policy.

Lockers available to those students with a health issue.  Come see the nurse to obtain one.

Blazer spirit shirts are available in the Student Store for $9!  Show your Blazer Pride!

Counseling Dept.:

Our first group of Counselors will be going the week of Sept. 11.  If you are interested you MUST be in good academic standing, (C average or better), Good Discipline and Attendance record and be a good role model.  If you meet these qualifications sign up in the Counseling Dept. "Presentation Binder" and speak with Mrs. McIntosh.  A Scicon informational meeting will be held soon.

A Representative from Fresno Pacific University will be on campus, Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2017 during lunch time. In the Career Center, located in the Library.  If you are interested in learning more about Fresno Pacific sign up in the Presentation Binder in the Counseling Dept. or stop into the career center on that day.

The ASVAB test will be Sept 14, 2017 at 8:00 a.m. in P-21. The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery is the most widely used multiple aptitude battery in the world. If you are curious about your future career choice or interested in the military, take advantage of everything the ASVAB Career Exploration Program has to offer and sign up to test! Whether you are a planning to go to college, a vocational school, the military, OR, if you are just not sure what you want to do yet, the ASVAB Career Exploration Program can provide you with important information about your skills, abilities, and interests - AND help set you on the right course for a satisfying career! Sign up in the "Presentation Binder" in the Counseling Office.

Tulare County College Night will be held September 12, 2017 from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Visalia Convention Center.  Representatives from over 90 colleges, Universities and specialty schools will be available to speak with about their campuses and educational programs.  You can also attend valuable informational seminars on the following topics: College and University Admissions; Financial Aid; Scholarship Opportunities; Writing College Admission Essays; Spanish Language Sessions

Saturday University is BACK! The first opportunity to attend for academic support will be September 9th. Please check twitter @GWSatUniv for more details.




9,16, 23


7, 14, 21, 28




2, 9


20, 27


3, 24


3, 10, 17


7, 14,  21, 28


5, 12, 19

Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarship Study Abroad - An information meeting for parents and students interested in spending a year of their High School studying overseas. Each year Rotary handles over 8,000 students in this opportunity of a lifetime. September 3rd, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at San Joaquin Valley College, 8344 W. Mineral King Ave. Contact Douglas Arnold 559-802-8645http://www.RYE5230.com


MECHA - First meeting today, Friday, 8/25 in room P-18 at lunch.

French Club- Meeting on Monday, 8/28, in room FS-8 during lunch.

Chess Club will be meeting next Wednesday, Aug. 30 in B-5 at lunch. We will be meeting to elect officers and nominate a Homecoming Queen candidate. Come join this fun new club whether you have played chess before or not!


Athletic Clearance: Golden West is now offering online student - athletic clearance through Family ID.  This is a secure and user friendly way to register for our athletic clearance.  All information can be found on the Golden West website .....trailblazerathletics.com then click on Student Athletic Clearance tab.   This form of clearance will now be mandatory along with a current physical.

XL Program:

The Golden West ProYouth XL Team is currently looking for students that would like to be Student Tutors!  This is a paid position through XL and students must fill out an application which can be picked up in Room E-10.  Minimum qualifications are:  Cumulative 3.0 GPA or higher, an A or B in the course they wish to tutor, good communication skills, and preference will be given to upperclassmen.  All applicants must fill out an XL application that includes two teacher recommendation forms.  If you have any question, please contact Angela Santana at 559-731-5621 or at asantana at pyheart.org<mailto:asantana at pyheart.org>.  Thank you!

Golden West ProYouth XL Program will be taking students on a College Campus Tour of UC Santa Barbara on September 14th, 2017!  This trip is free and is open to all students who meet minimum academic requirements - space will be filled on a first come, first serve basis.  To pick up a permission slip or to get more information, please stop by Room E-10 or contact Angela Santana at 559-731-5621 or at asantana at pyheart.org<mailto:asantana at pyheart.org>.  Thank you!

ProYouth XL/SEED  - Students Empowered by Exposure to Diversity - would like to extend an invitation to all our students interested in "Film Critique". Join us on August 28th for our first film "The Bronze Screen: 100 Years of the Latino Image in Hollywood" at the Tulare County Office of Education. Doors open at 5 pm, film will start at 5:30 pm. Join us as we kick off our first annual educational film series in Visalia with an overall look at how Latinas and Latinos have been portrayed or marginalized since the beginning of  the film industry. Stay after the film for an engaging and thought -provoking discussion about the film with other students and community members. Pick up a participating permit after school at the XL office . Next film September 26th  "Dolores" - fieldtrip to Maya Cinemas at Fresno, CA, first-come, first-served reserve your spot!
New Office!  Come visit us in our new location E-10, to see what's new in XL!
Fresh Meals: All students can receive a free meal every day after school in E-10.


Nora Cabasa
Secretary II
Golden West High School
(559) 730-7801
ncabasa at vusd.org<mailto:ncabasa at vusd.org>
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