[GWHS-Bulletin] 11.3.17 bulletin

Cabasa, Nora ncabasa at visalia.k12.ca.us
Fri Nov 3 09:15:37 PDT 2017

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Daily Bulletin - Volume 39; Issue 59
Friday, November 3, 2017

Battle for the Saddle!!!
Varsity Football game is tonight @ 7:00 pm (visitor's side)
Come dressed in your best blazer Spirit/western wear attire and cheer on our varsity football team onto victory!!
For the Varsity game tonight we are VISITORS. Prices are $4 for students and $6 for adults. (Since we are not hosting the game your ASB and football passes you will not be able to be used).
Congratulations to our Lady Blazers for their performance last night.
Great Job Lady BLAZERS!!!
Parents and Students:
The north access road if to be used by school busses ONLY between the hours of 6am and 4pm.

GW Decals are available to order through the PTA. Pick up an order form in the front office. What a great way to show your Blazer Pride!

ATTENTION ALL PARENTS AND STUDENTS: Students are not allowed to walk through the Visalia Adult School Parking Lot or Campus. Parents please do not pick up students at the Visalia Adult School. Students may be sited for trespassing or loitering.

Here is the special edition of Blazer Central. Today we will be on Assembly Schedule.


Calling all Trailblazers...Let's take pride in our campus by keeping it clean! Please pick up after yourself and use the trash cans.


Boys' Basketball Freshmen and JV tryouts will begin Monday November 6th in the main gym.  Tryouts will be 5:30-7:00.  Varsity practice begins at 7.   All boys interested in playing basketball this season need to attend.

ATTENTION ALL GIRLS: Girls Basketball tryouts begin on Monday the 30th at 6 in the mini gym.  Be there appropriately attired and cleared to tryout.  If you have any questions come by FS -3.

Boys Soccer: Tryouts for the boys JV and Varsity soccer teams will begin on Monday, October 30th at 3:30 pm at the practice field.  Any athlete currently in a fall sport will be able to tryout after their season has ended.  If you have any questions see Coach McCaw in E-2.

GIRLS SOCCER: Practices have started. If you are not in a fall sport, you should be kicking with us. Mon-Thurs 5pm. Stay informed with Remind: @gwgirlss.

Wrestling Team: All those interested in trying out for the wrestling team, our 2017-2018 season is here starting Monday 10/30/17. For all those that our participating in a fall sport, you can come out when your sport has completed its season. You must be cleared to participate. Last week to come out for the Wrestling team is the week of 11/20/17. For a copy of practice schedule see Coach Morse or Coach Robbie.  If you have any questions, Contact Coach Sanchez @ (209)613-4856.
Counseling Dept.:
ATTN SENIORS: Our CASH FOR COLLEGE Workshop (FAFSA) will be Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2017 at 5:30 - 8 p.m. in the school library.  You and your parent are encouraged to create your FSA ID PRIOR to this workshop.  You were given a handout of "What you need to bring/know" on that night during the COS Application Workshop.  If you will be attending a CSU or UC you can pick up a copy of "what to bring" in the counseling department from the presentation binder. All college bound students who will be attending the Cash for College night need to sign up in the counseling department for planning purposes.
In addition to Cash for College night a UC Application Workshop will be held on the same night, (Tues., Nov. 14, 2017) at our Visalia Unified District Office (5000 W. Cypress St.) in Room 10 of the Learning Center at 6 p.m.
If you miss out on any of our college workshops you can still get help filling out your FAFSA or any College application, in the XL after school program.  Our College & Career Ambassador, Alyssa Santana is available after school in the library.
A Representative from Fresno Pacific University will be on campus, Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2017 during 5th period in FS-10.  If you are interested in learning more about Fresno Pacific sign up in the Presentation Binder in the Counseling Dept.

AP students and parents: Please refer to the AP documents (http://www.vusd.org/webpages/gwhscounseling/ap.cfm) for information regarding the fees, dates, and deadlines for 2017 AP exams.  You may also obtain forms for Fee Waivers and/or your one free AP exam provided by VUSD.  We also accept payments via credit card online at the GW webstore!  (http://webstores.activenetwork.com/school-software/golden_west_high_sch/).  March 2nd is the absolute last day to pay for AP Exams!

ATTN SENIORS: The 2018-19 College of the Sequoias Scholarship Application is now available!  By filling out this one application you are open to hundreds of scholarships opportunities at COS.  COS gave over $400,000 in scholarships last year. Don't miss out!!  See the Golden West Scholarship page to apply.  The application deadline is November 27, 2017.


Are you wondering what to do for lunch???  Come to FCA Thursdays! Grab a friend or two, head over to room A-1 and let us treat you to lunch. You be well fed, as well as, encouraged and challenged in your faith.
The next meeting of the G-Dub Car Club will be on Thursday, November 2nd at Lunch for a brief meeting and our Yearbook Picture. We will meet in M1. Bring your lunch and we will take our club photo at 1:00. We will discuss the club logo contest for December.
Are any of your students in the 9th-11th grade
interested in design and cars? You could help them start their career and shape the future of car design with the 2018 CDN & GM Interactive competition<https://legacy.vusd.org/owa/redir.aspx?REF=Rk0GQUMBmXqopHI78ZA_3oKYJwvzKpPCqliBvI_rRpBcR_dgPxrVCAFodHRwOi8vdWx0aW1hLW1lZGlhLm1zZ2ZvY3VzLmNvbS9jLzFuWmszMGFUc2pjZUhWYUZDSVdoVHNGdQ..>, which is now open for registrations. Winners will receive a special Summer Experience course at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit (in July 2018) - one of the most highly respected colleges for design in the world - and an iPad Pro. Additionally, finalists and semi-finalists will receive a Car Design News subscription. Everyone who enters will receive guidance and support about their work from professional designers working at GM. See Mrs. K in A-9 for more information.
GSA Club & Women of Excellence club are both about informing and supporting civil rights for all individuals. If this sound interesting to you, we are welcoming new members. Women of Excellence meets every Tuesday (a change from Wednesday) at lunch in A-9. GSA club meets every Thursday in room A-9 also during lunch. See you there and bring a friend!
Anime Club is meeting every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in S-1 (lunch). You do not need to attend all three days to be a member. Grab you lunch and join the fun!

Blazer Spirit shirts are available in the Student Store for $9!  Show your Blazer Pride!

XL Program:

Golden West High School XL Program has rescheduled the trip to UC Santa Barbara for Wednesday, November 8th, 2017.  This trip is open to all students, but priority will be given to those students that were signed up to go in September.  If any student wishes to go, please pick up a permission slip from the Library or from Room E-10.  Permission slips must be turned in no later than November 3rd and a mandatory trip meeting will be held on November 3rd at 3:30 in the library (meeting should take no more than 10 minutes).  Thank you!

ATTN SENIORS PLANNING ON ATTENDING A California State University (CSU): If you missed the CSU workshop you can still get help in the XL after school program.  Our College & Career Ambassador, Angela Santana is available after school in the library.  Application deadline is Nov. 30, 2017 for fall of 2018.


Nora Cabasa
Secretary II
Golden West High School
(559) 730-7801
ncabasa at vusd.org<mailto:ncabasa at vusd.org>
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