[GWHS-Bulletin] 12.06.18 bulletin

Cabasa, Nora ncabasa at vusd.org
Wed Dec 5 16:28:52 PST 2018

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Daily Bulletin - Volume 40; Issue 74
Thursday, December 6, 2018

New Announcements

Winter Formal is Saturday, December 8th from 8pm-11pm. Come and enjoy a night "Under the City Lights", the dance will be held at El Diamante.  Tickets are on sale in the finance office, buy yours now to save time and money!

Winter Formal Dance tickets are now on sale! Make sure all your debts are paid off before then so that you may be able to purchase your ticket. A print out is posted on the outside of the attendance window. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Hunter in the finance office.

Boys Tennis Meeting December 11th during lunch by the Tennis courts.

Attached is a copy of the bell schedule for fall 2018 Finals!
Finals will be December 19, 20, 21.

Just a reminder this is the last week to Adopt-A-Star. At this time we have 108 stars still waiting to be adopted!  Please stop by room L-20 during lunch or reach out to us if a visit is not possible during lunch and we can find a way for you to adopt a future Blazer J Thank you in advance for your support and generosity!

All Parents and Students:

Golden West High School students are not allowed on the Valley Oak Middle School Campus at any time.

Due to the weather becoming colder we will be allowing students to wear beanies and headbands. Please remember they must be free of logos or decorations. The beanies must be a single color white, black, grey, brown, tan or gold. This flexibility only applies to protection from the cold, not for hats. They may only be worn outdoors.
The GWHS Choirs<https://www.facebook.com/GoldenWestHSChoirs/> will be presenting their Winter Concert<https://www.facebook.com/events/335440470524016/> in combination with the Golden West Band and Orchestra on Saturday December 15 at L.J. Williams Theater. Visit our Facebook Page for more information at http://www.facebook.com/events/335440470524016/<https://www.facebook.com/events/335440470524016/>
Attention all students regarding TARDIES: If you have 4 or more tardies in one week you will lose off campus lunch privileges or be assigned lunch detention. To avoid these restrictions, please work to be ON TIME TO CLASS!

Failure to attend assigned Tardy Detention will result in loss of privileges. Example: Rallies, and extracurricular such as attending athletic events.

As of now students must have a valid GW student ID card to be allowed off campus during lunch.


The Fresno State's CAMP (College Assistance Migrant Program) rep visit has been changed to TUESAY, Dec. 11, 2018 during 3rd period in S-3.  CAMP is a unique educational program that helps students from migrant and seasonal farmworker family backgrounds to succeed at Fresno State.  CAMP facilitates transition from high school to college and offers first-year support services necessary to help students graduate from college.  For more information and to sign up see the "Presentation Binder" in the counseling office.

ANNUAL LIONS STUDENT SPEAKER CONTEST:  ATTN ALL GRADE LEVELS - For the 82nd consecutive year, the Lions Clubs of California will hold their annual Student Speakers Contest.  All grade levels are eligible to participate. Over $103,500 will be paid out in scholarships to the winning students. Local area winners will win $100 and can advance to the district level where the winner will be awarded a $4,500 scholarship and can advance even further in the contest to win up to $10,000.

This year students will answer the question: "Freedom of the Press, What does it Mean?"  Please visit the Counseling Dept. Scholarship page to print an "Interest Form" or come to the Counseling Office and pick one up from the "Presentation Binder".   Interest forms are due to Mrs. McIntosh in the counseling department by January 17, 2019.

A Representative and former Golden West Graduate, (Fidel Moreno) from Fresno State will be presenting an informational meeting on Fresno States ROTC, Military Science & Leadership Program.  ROTC stands for Reserve Officer Training Corps. It's a college program that prepares young adults to become officers in the U.S. Military.  If you are interested, please sign up in the Presentation Binder in the Counseling Dept. to attend.

The Fresno State Ambassador will be available EVERY OTHER Thursday from 8:30 am to 3:00 p.m. in the Career Center for those students interested in attending Fresno State or any other CSU.  Her name is Liliana. Please sign up in the "Presentation Binder" in the Counseling Dept. if you would like to meet.

*AP students and parents: AP Tests are now on sale!! Please refer to the AP documents for information regarding the fees, dates, and deadlines for 2018/2019 AP exams. https://www.vusd.org/Page/12318  We also accept payments via credit card online at the GW webstore! https://webstores.activenetwork.com/school-software/golden_west_high_sch/  March 8, 2019 is the absolute last day to pay for AP Exams!
Be sure to check and see if your student qualifies for a fee waiver, and if so, the directions for obtaining a fee waiver.  The fee waiver paperwork can be completed immediately and turned in to Mrs. McIntosh in the office.  For any questions contact Mrs. Gajdusek in the counseling office.


Athletic Clearance: Golden West is offering online student - athletic clearance through Family ID.  This is a secure and user friendly way to register for our athletic clearance.  All information can be found on the Golden West website .....trailblazerathletics.com then click on Student Athletic Clearance tab. This form of clearance is now mandatory along with a current physical.


Diversity Club: We will be meeting during lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays in room A-9.

FCA: We will be meeting in room A-1 during lunch on Wednesdays!

XL Program:

XL is offering Credit Recovery on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30pm in E-10. However, attending Wednesday classes is not a substitute for Monday classes.

Hip-Hop Dance is happening on Wednesdays and Thursdays in the dance room from 3:30-5:30 pm.

Boxing on Mondays and Tuesdays in P-29 near the stadium from 3:30-5:30 pm.

Math Tutorials every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in Mr. Lopez's room P-14.

Mr. Elsharkawy in room S-5 will tutor Chemistry and Physics every Tues. & Wed.

Sports Medicine on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the Trainer's room from 3:30-5:30 pm.

Weightlifting will be meeting on Monday & Thursday after school 3:30-4:30 pm in the weight room.

Here is the Link for Blazer Central:


Nora Cabasa
Secretary II
Golden West High School
(559) 730-7801
ncabasa at vusd.org<mailto:ncabasa at vusd.org>
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