[GWHS-Bulletin] 01.17.18 bulletin

Cabasa, Nora ncabasa at visalia.k12.ca.us
Tue Jan 16 16:12:08 PST 2018

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Daily Bulletin - Volume 39; Issue 91
Wednesday, January17, 2018

Do you know how to play the drum set? Are you interested in performing with the GW Jazz band around town and at festivals out of town? If so, please go see Mr. McFarlane in the band room (M5).

SENIORS!!!!! Grad Nite tickets will be sold on Thursday, Feb.1st starting at 7am in front of the office. Tickets will be $190; cash or check made payable to Golden West High School. Permission slips will be available in front of the finance office and both sides must be completed, including medical info! Bring your student ID, completed permission slip, and money to purchase a ticket.

Formal pictures are in and may be picked up in the attendance office. Please come in before school, during lunch and afterschool to pick them up.

Please be aware that we will start with Tardy Sweeps immediately.  In order to avoid after school detention due to being caught in a tardy sweep please make sure that you are in your classroom prior to the tardy bell ringing.
Don't forget to purchase your yearbook in room A-11. They are currently on sale for $85 and personalization is still available.  Make sure to order it before personalization ends on January 26!

Wednesday, January 17 at LUNCH in the Main Gym
*You must attend the meeting to be able to work on Kids Day - March 6
See Mr. Gluckmann in Room FS-4/L-20 ahead of time if you are unable to attend.

It's never too late to attend Saturday University. We are only a week into the new semester and there's no better time to make sure you stay on top of your grades. Attend Saturday University and get that extra help you need.  Sign up through Google Classroom. Make sure to sign up the Wednesday before attending to guarantee a meal. Also, let us know if you need specific help in a subject.  Hope to see you there (8am in the Cafeteria)!

Google classroom info:
Seniors Google Classroom code is d1kze1c
Juniors Google classroom code is wqu6em
Sophomores Google Classroom code is zhqadvb
Freshman Google Classroom code is sv1ygnd

Artists and interested students: Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum has teamed up with Target for the third annual National High School Design Competition, challenging teens around the country to make the everyday-place, process, or object-accessible for all! It's a design challenge that welcomes great ideas from students with all interests from art and design to civics and community engagement. See either Mr. Vieira in A-3 or Mrs. K in A-9 for flyers or more information. Please visit the website, where you'll find education resources to inspire and give you ideas.   https://www.cooperhewitt.org/design-competition/

Due to the weather becoming colder we will be allowing students to wear beanies and headbands. Please remember they must be free of logos or decorations. The only logo that will be allowed will be our school logo. The beanies must be a single color white, black, grey, brown, tan or gold. This flexibility only applies to protection from the cold, not for hats. They may only be worn outdoors.

ASB WANTS YOU! Want to be an ASB Officer?
Want to be in next year's ASB/Leadership Class?
MANDATORY INFORMATIONAL MEETING. Wednesday, February 7 @ Lunch in Room M-1


Track: Track season will begin on 1/23/18 at 3:40PM. Make sure to bring out your best shoes and get ready for the new season! If you have any further question you can go to MA-8 or FS-1 to ask Mr. Garcia or Mr. Gutierrez for further details.

Baseball: Baseball season has begun. Throwing and conditioning begins at 3:40PM on the varsity field every day. Attendance is mandatory.
Counseling Dept.:
Attention Seniors: Scholarship Opportunity!
Golden West High School can nominate one graduating senior from our school to be an NCSF scholarship applicant.  This scholarship is for $8,000 per year, renewable for four years, totaling $32,000.  Scholarship requirements are: student must have financial need, earned high GPA and SAT/ACT scores, have outstanding moral character, participate in extracurricular activities, be willing to earn a portion of their expenses while in college, have a clear idea of which college courses they intend to pursue, have some idea of what they intend to do for their life work, and student and both parents must be US citizens. If you would like to be considered for this wonderful opportunity, please email Mrs. Waters at twaters at vusd.org by 1/26/18 at 3:30 PM.  More information can be found on their website at h<http://www.ncsfscholarships.org/>ttp://www.ncsfscholarships.org/ <http://www.ncsfscholarships.org/>
ATTN SENIORS: If you have not yet filled out your FAFSA, Visalia Unified will be hosting a Financial Aid Workshop, Thursday, January 25, 2018 at our Visalia Unified District Office (5000 W. Cypress St.) in the Board Room at 6 p.m.  Other than visiting our College & Career Ambassador after school in the library this is the last opportunity to have Financial Aid professionals present while you are applying.
ATTENTION JUNIOR & SENIOR BOYS: Boy counselors are STILL needed for Scicon.  You MUST be in good academic standing, C average or better, Good Discipline and Attendance record and be a good role model.  If you are in need of community service hours, being a counselor for Scicon will help!  Please see Mrs. McIntosh in the Counseling Dept.

ATTN Juniors & Seniors:  If you are looking for work, Employment Connections Job listing is available weekly to view in the Counseling Dept. Presentation Binder or in the Library.

AP students and parents: Please refer to the AP documents (http://www.vusd.org/webpages/gwhscounseling/ap.cfm) for information regarding the fees, dates, and deadlines for 2017 AP exams.  You may also obtain forms for Fee Waivers and/or your one free AP exam provided by VUSD.  We also accept payments via credit card online at the GW webstore!  (http://webstores.activenetwork.com/school-software/golden_west_high_sch/).  March 2nd is the absolute last day to pay for AP Exams!


Chinese Culture Club: Meeting Friday (01/19) in Room FS-8.  Bring your lunch.

GSA Club: Meeting this Thursday during lunch in A-9. The t-shirts are in and we need to plan for second semester events. See you then!

Ablaze: Ablaze Club will be meeting this Thursday at lunch in room E-9.  You need to bring your own lunch - there will be no food. But come join us anyway!

XL Program:

XL has Afterschool Intervention available on Wednesday's and Thursdays in E-10 from 3:30-4PM for students who have detention that needs to be served.

It's coming this spring!!!   Mr. Rodgers will once again be offering his EMS/Health Careers XL Class!  Start date is March 1st, so plan ahead as this class fills quickly...field trips and guest speakers!!!  Check out the tentative schedule at:  http://bit.ly/emss2018


Nora Cabasa
Secretary II
Golden West High School
(559) 730-7801
ncabasa at vusd.org<mailto:ncabasa at vusd.org>
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