[GWHS-Bulletin] GW Bulletin 3.29.23

Cabasa, Nora ncabasa at vusd.org
Wed Mar 29 09:59:57 PDT 2023

* Interested in giving a speech at the Graduation Ceremony? Auditions are April 26th. Sign-ups and more information are in the counseling office through April 21st. If you have any additional questions please contact Mrs. Lopez ~ Registrar.

* Cheer Leading Tryouts: Tryouts are started on March 27th and goes through the 31st.  Cheer Packets are located in the front office near the Athletics Office. The packet must be completed and turned in by the first day of the workshop. See attachment for details.

[image001]* Are you interested in being on the ILLUSIONS DANCE TEAM or taking a Golden West dance class? Auditions for the team and appropriate class placement will be held Thursday March 30th. Using access code QT4M-DFCW-9MF58 please join the GW Dance Auditions 2023 course page on Schoology. Video tutorials of skills and audition dance choreography will be posted soon. You can also attend the in person workshops on Tuesday March 28th from 3:30-4:30 pm or Wednesday March 29th 8:00-9:00 pm to learn the choreography and practice the skills you will perform during the audition. Workshops are optional however, you MUST sign up for a specific audition time with Ms. Cullum or Ms. Martin no later than Tuesday March 28th. Please scan the QR code below or use this link<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/tppfC5yzpkCgyPj3CzhY9w?domain=forms.gle> to complete the mandatory audition registration form. Email scullum at vusd.org<mailto:scullum at vusd.org> or kmartin03 at vusd.org<mailto:kmartin03 at vusd.org> with any questions.

Hope you have a great day!
[School Sketch]
Nora Cabasa
Administrative Assistant
Golden West High School
(559) 730-7801
ncabasa at vusd.org<mailto:ncabasa at vusd.org>

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