[MWHS Daily Bulletin] December 11, 2017- Daily Bulletin
Mount Whitney High School Daily Bulletin
mwhs-bulletin at mailman.vusd.org
Fri Dec 8 16:03:06 PST 2017
[cid:image001.jpg at 01D3703E.092A80A0]Mt. Whitney High School[cid:image002.jpg at 01D3703E.092A80A0]
A California Distinguished School & Home of the Pioneers!
Go Pioneers!
December 11, 2017
[cid:image003.jpg at 01D3703E.092A80A0]<https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.clipartmasters.com/clip-arts/233/winter-wonderland-clip-art-free-233928.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.clipartmasters.com/winter-wonderland-clip-art-free-clipart-SCjJ7o.html&docid=VctLLoZrIK25IM&tbnid=wNxGcefv7qqO6M:&vet=10ahUKEwjJ0d2w8fjXAhUR_WMKHX79BMoQMwjOASgWMBY..i&w=400&h=291&itg=1&safe=strict&bih=771&biw=1536&q=winter%20wonderland%20clip%20art&ved=0ahUKEwjJ0d2w8fjXAhUR_WMKHX79BMoQMwjOASgWMBY&iact=mrc&uact=8>
Daily Bulletin
[cid:image004.jpg at 01D3703E.092A80A0] Monday – December 11, 2017 [cid:image004.jpg at 01D3703E.092A80A0]
Mondays (Collaboration PLC) Bell Schedule
Period 0
- 7:54
50 minutes
- 9:00
60 minutes
Period 1
- 9:56
50 minutes
Period 2
- 10:57
55 minutes
Period 3
- 11:53
50 minutes
Period 4
- 12:49
50 minutes
- 1:29
40 minutes
Period 5
- 2:25
50 minutes
Period 6
- 3:21
50 minutes
[cid:image006.png at 01D3703E.092A80A0] Mt. Whitney High School
Final Exam Schedule
December 13, 2017
December 14, 2017
December 15, 2017
Period 0:
Period 0:
Period 5:
Period 1:
Period 3:
Period 6:
Period 2:
Period 4:
December 13 - 15, 2017
[cid:image007.jpg at 01D3703E.092A80A0]Student Notes[cid:image007.jpg at 01D3703E.092A80A0]
1. Do you want to get into Home Games for Free? And get major discounts on dance tickets? Buy an ASB sticker for $30 and save money. ASB stickers are now being sold in the Finance office. They will be sold all year long.
2. Attention Mt. Whitney Students!! The XL program offers a free snack and a variety of clubs. There is tutoring, Skills Club, Mock Trial, 3D-Printing, Weightlifting, Outdoors Club, Ag Science, Activities Club, Media Arts, Brazilian Jui-Jutsu, and Leadership Club. To find out more about these clubs come to Rm. S11!!
3. Hey Mt Whitney, let’s get into the Holiday Spirit! Please donate new crayons, coloring books and crafts for the pediatric patients at Kaweah Delta Hospital. We can make the Holidays a little brighter for kids in the hospital. You can drop off your donations in U-3 or the Nurse’s Office any time before Dec 13.
4. Pioneers! Nominate a Mt. Whitney Staff member or Teacher for December Pioneer PRIDE Staff of the Month. It can be any adult on campus who you think shows Pioneer PRIDE (Positivity, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Engagement). Check your vusd.us email for the link to a Google form to fill out. The winner will be honored at the next rally. https://goo.gl/forms/DYSQYJuKKYQDeryI3
5. Calling all Freshmen: Cocoa and Cram hosted by Link Crew will be at lunch on December 12 in the Quad. Have questions about Finals? Like hot Chocolate? We can help with both!
6. Link Crew is having a gift wrapping fundraiser on Saturday, December 9 from 10-1 in the Circle Drive. Bring any gifts you need wrapped for the Holiday Season and leave a donation. You can also bring gifts each morning to K7, they’ll get wrapped during 3rd period and returned to you the same day. Now through December 15.
7. The student store would like to wish Mt. Whitney Happy Holidays! We are currently in the process of closing down for winter break. We will be closed during finals, and will stay open these last few days until we are sold out. Thank you, we look forward to seeing you in 2018!
8. The MWHS "Pioneer Pride" Bands and Color Guard are holding our annual Gift Wrapping Fundraiser. Band Boosters & students will be volunteering their time to wrap your gifts from December 8th- December 24th at The Visalia Mall during mall hours, near the food court. So spread the word and let your family & friends know we are here to help. Your gifts will be wrapped and you will be helping our Bands & Color Guard with the needed funds to support transportation & competition fees, instrument maintenance, music & uniform expenses. We appreciate and thank you for your ongoing support and consideration. Happy Holidays!!!!
9. Thank you to all the students whom participated and supported the food drive this season to our needy Pioneer families. As result of such a great turn out, we were able to donate more than 200 + cans. Feliz Navidad!
10. Mt. Whitney Agri-Finance Team was 3rd high team overall in the contest on 12/7/17 sponsored by Farm Credit West. The team members are Chloe Mahan, Vidi Cruz and John Meek
[cid:image008.png at 01D3703E.092A80A0]Sports [cid:image008.png at 01D3703E.092A80A0]
[cid:image009.png at 01D3703E.092A80A0]
Club Notes
1. Olympic Weight Lifting Club will be going to competitions.
[cid:image010.jpg at 01D3703E.092A80A0] Senior Notes [cid:image011.jpg at 01D3703E.092A80A0]
1. Attention Seniors: The yearbook only has 2 ¼ pages of space left available for a senior ad purchase. These will be sold on a first come, first served basis. If you are interested, go to Room B-207 for more information ASAP. Thank you.
[cid:image012.png at 01D3703E.092A80A0]College Visit Sign-ups [cid:image013.png at 01D3703E.092A80A0]
None at this time
[cid:image014.jpg at 01D3703E.092A80A0]Senior Scholarships [cid:image015.jpg at 01D3703E.092A80A0]
1. Attention Seniors: COS Scholarship Application is now available for the 2018-2019 school year, the deadline is November 27th. Are you a current high school student or first-time college student? Are you planning on becoming a fall 2018 incoming (first-time) student? If yes, there are two steps to applying for scholarships.
October 9, 2017 – November 27, 2017 – Submit New Student Scholarship Application<https://cos.scholarships.ngwebsolutions.com/CMXAdmin/Cmx_Content.aspx?cpId=496>.
Admissions Application – Submit College of the Sequoias Application for Admission<https://www.opencccapply.net/cccapply-welcome?cccMisCode=561>.
*Fall 2018 incoming (first-time) students – You do not have to submit your Application for Admission before submitting your Scholarship Application. However, failure to complete both applications by their corresponding due dates can jeopardize your opportunities for scholarships. For assistance, please see our Incoming COS Students Scholarship Tutorial<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wdy0NzDecEY&feature=youtu.be>.
2. Elk’s National Foundation 2018 Most Valuable Student
Deadline: 11/27/2017
Amount: $1,000-$12,500 per year
The Elks National Foundation will award 500 four-year scholarships to the highest-rated applicants in the 2018 competition.
* Current high school seniors, or the equivalent, who are citizens of the United States are eligible to apply.
* Applicants need not be related to a member of the Elks.
* High school graduates are not eligible to apply.
* Applicants must be citizens of the United States on the date their applications are signed; permanent legal resident status does not qualify.
* Male and female students compete separately.
Application Process: Apply at enf.elks.org/mvs.
To unsubscribe or subscribe to the Daily Bulletin:
Have questions regarding the bulletin? Contact:
Veronica Reyes, MWHS
vreyes at vusd.org<mailto:vreyes at vusd.org>
[cid:image016.jpg at 01D3703E.092A80A0]<https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=&url=https://www.imagekind.com/tribute-to-vince-guaraldi-winter-wonderland_art?IMID%3Defeaddc6-e0a0-4e7a-bf2b-830f2dd21ee0&psig=AOvVaw0JCwF_dXRbUl7uz_1u0cQ5&ust=1512776960906162>
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