[MWHS Daily Bulletin] January 9, 2018- Daily Bulletin

Mount Whitney High School Daily Bulletin mwhs-bulletin at mailman.vusd.org
Mon Jan 8 15:30:19 PST 2018

[cid:image001.jpg at 01D38895.9727D0F0]Mt. Whitney High School[cid:image002.jpg at 01D38895.9727D0F0]

A California Distinguished School & Home of the Pioneers!
Go Pioneers!
January 9, 2018
[cid:image003.jpg at 01D38895.9727D0F0]<https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.clipartmasters.com/clip-arts/233/winter-wonderland-clip-art-free-233928.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.clipartmasters.com/winter-wonderland-clip-art-free-clipart-SCjJ7o.html&docid=VctLLoZrIK25IM&tbnid=wNxGcefv7qqO6M:&vet=10ahUKEwjJ0d2w8fjXAhUR_WMKHX79BMoQMwjOASgWMBY..i&w=400&h=291&itg=1&safe=strict&bih=771&biw=1536&q=winter%20wonderland%20clip%20art&ved=0ahUKEwjJ0d2w8fjXAhUR_WMKHX79BMoQMwjOASgWMBY&iact=mrc&uact=8>

Daily Bulletin

  [cid:image004.jpg at 01D38895.9727D0F0]                            Tuesday - January 9, 2018 [cid:image004.jpg at 01D38895.9727D0F0]

Tuesday-Friday (Regular) Bell Schedule
Period 0


-    8:17

57 minutes

Period 1


-    9:20

57 minutes

Period 2


-    10:29

63 minutes

Period 3


-    11:32

57 minutes

Period 4


-    12:35

57 minutes



-    1:15

40 minutes

Period 5


-    2:18

57 minutes

Period 6


-    3:21

57 minutes

[cid:image005.jpg at 01D38895.9727D0F0]Student Notes[cid:image006.jpg at 01D38895.9727D0F0]

1. Do you want to get into Home Games for Free? And get major discounts on dance tickets? Buy an ASB sticker for $30 and save money. ASB stickers are now being sold in the Finance office. They will be sold all year long.

2. Attention Mt. Whitney Students!! The XL program offers a free snack and a variety of clubs. There is tutoring, Skills Club, Mock Trial, 3D-Printing, Weightlifting, Outdoors Club, Ag Science, Activities Club, Media Arts, Brazilian Jui-Jutsu, and Leadership Club. To find out more about these clubs come to Rm. S11!!
3.  Pioneers! Nominate a Mt. Whitney Staff member or Teacher for December Pioneer PRIDE Staff of the Month. It can be any adult on campus who you think shows Pioneer PRIDE (Positivity, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Engagement). Check your vusd.us email for the link to a Google form to fill out. The winner will be honored at the next rally.   https://goo.gl/forms/DYSQYJuKKYQDeryI3

[cid:image007.png at 01D38895.9727D0F0]Sports [cid:image007.png at 01D38895.9727D0F0]
                                  SPORTS BULLETIN

[cid:image008.png at 01D38895.9727D0F0]

Club Notes

1.     The Gay/Straight Alliance will meet Thursday at lunch in J-14.  Yearbook picture to be discussed.

2.     Mecha Club- meet at the oak tree this Thursday, Jan 11th at lunch for the yearbook pictures.

3.     Art Club- meet at the oak tree this Thursday, Jan 11th at lunch for the yearbook pictures.

[cid:image009.jpg at 01D38895.9727D0F0]  Senior Notes [cid:image010.jpg at 01D38895.9727D0F0]

1.      Seniors who have missed your campus FAFSA application workshop, just a reminder that we will be hosting the COS Financial Aid Office for a FAFSA/Dream Act Application Workshop.  It will take place on Thursday, January 25th at 6:00pm, in the board room, at the district office.    Students do not have to RSVP, but they must bring the following:

Social Security Card (a copy of card is okay)

Driver's License or State ID (only if you have)

Alien Registration Number (if you are not a citizen)

YOUR 2015 Federal Income Tax Return Forms, W-2's, or last check stub you received in 2015. If you had more than one job then bring the last check stub received for each job (only if you worked)

PARENT(s) 2015 Federal Income Tax Return Forms, W-2's, or last check stub they received in 2015. If they had more than one job then bring the last check stub received for each job

YOUR 2015 bank statements and investment records (only if you have)

PARENT(s): 2015 bank statements and investments records (only if they have)

YOU and PARENT(s): Any records of untaxed income received (such as, Social Security benefits, child support received, TANF benefits, payments to IRS's or 401(k) or military or clergy allowances

Records of student grants, scholarships, and fellowship aid (including AmeriCorps Awards that were included in your (or your parents') adjusted gross income

List of colleges you have applied to or are interested in attending

[cid:image011.png at 01D38895.9727D0F0]College Visit Sign-ups [cid:image012.png at 01D38895.9727D0F0]
None at this time

[cid:image013.jpg at 01D38895.9727D0F0]Senior Scholarships [cid:image014.jpg at 01D38895.9727D0F0]

None at this time

To unsubscribe or subscribe to the Daily Bulletin:

Have questions regarding the bulletin? Contact:
Veronica Reyes, MWHS

vreyes at vusd.org<mailto:vreyes at vusd.org>

[cid:image015.jpg at 01D38895.9727D0F0]<https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=&url=https://www.imagekind.com/tribute-to-vince-guaraldi-winter-wonderland_art?IMID%3Defeaddc6-e0a0-4e7a-bf2b-830f2dd21ee0&psig=AOvVaw0JCwF_dXRbUl7uz_1u0cQ5&ust=1512776960906162>

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