[MWHS Daily Bulletin] March 5 2019- Daily Bulletin

Mount Whitney High School Daily Bulletin mwhs-bulletin at mailman.vusd.org
Mon Mar 4 15:38:17 PST 2019

[cid:image001.jpg at 01D4D2A0.482A9EA0]Mt. Whitney High School[cid:image001.jpg at 01D4D2A0.482A9EA0]

A California Distinguished School & Home of the Pioneers!
Go Pioneers!
March 5, 2019

        [Image result for month of feb school clipart] <https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwig4_qhuLzgAhUTHXwKHV2cDwQQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https://leobaeck.ca/2018/02/12/kindness/&psig=AOvVaw2XJ0OFyWvzDAQkLK2zTBlI&ust=1550275284410451>

[cid:image001.jpg at 01D0F789.9EFA7A20]  [cid:image004.jpg at 01D4D2A0.482A9EA0]                             Tuesday, Mar. 5, 2019
Tuesday-Friday (Regular) Bell Schedule
Period 0


-    8:17

57 minutes

Period 1


-    9:20

57 minutes

Period 2


-    10:29

63 minutes

Period 3


-    11:32

57 minutes

Period 4


-    12:35

57 minutes



-    1:15

40 minutes

Period 5


-    2:18

57 minutes

Period 6


-    3:21

57 minutes

Ø  Attention Bike Riders:  please lock your bikes each day INSIDE the bike rack.  Please do not park them on the outside of the bike rack area.  Thank you.

Ø  Attention Students:

Ø  Students who arrive to school after the tardy bell 1st period and the gate is locked will be assigned one day lunch detention that day in B24.  IDs will be collected in the office.  When the student goes to detention that day, the ID will be returned to them at the end of the detention.   Also, ALL students who are not in the gate when the tardy bell rings 5th period will have their off campus privileges revoked for one week. Student IDs will be collected at the gate and returned after school.

[cid:image006.jpg at 01D4D2A0.482A9EA0]Student Notes[cid:image006.jpg at 01D4D2A0.482A9EA0]
1. XL is serving a Super Snack after school in room S-11. All students are welcome to stop by and get a fresh healthy meal.

2.  All students sent to the Library must have a pass from your teacher and a student ID in order to check out materials. Many students are using copies of schedules or post-its. Please do not go to counseling and request a copy of your schedule as it will not suffice in the check-out process. It is your responsibility to carry your student ID. Replacement IDs are $10 in the Counseling Office.  Please see Mrs. Herrera.  Thank you, MWHS Library Staff
3. Freshmen will no longer be allowed to pick up food from vendors or go to the ice cream truck.  Per district policy, freshmen are not allowed to leave campus.  Freshmen, please do not order food because you will not be allowed to go past the gate to pick up the food.  Students in grades 10-12 will only be allowed to pick up food ordered IF you present a student ID at the gate and you are clear to leave campus.  Without a student ID, you will not be able to go passed the gate.  If you are scanned and you have fees or lunch detentions, you will not be allowed to pick up your food from vendors.
4. Students, please take a few minutes to recognize Pioneers showing PRIDE. You can choose to nominate staff members for Staff of the Month or other students as Everyday Pioneers. Use the Google Form provided.   https://goo.gl/forms/2uDgMSgEMeTA8wMy1.
5.  Attention All Pioneers, if you are struggling in a class or need extra help with homework assignments XL student tutors are here to help you! XL tutoring services are offered before school on Monday's 7am to 9am and Tuesday thru Thursday 7am to 8am. After school tutoring is offered Monday thru Thursday from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. Tutoring services consist of; Math 1, Math 2, Math 3, Pre-Calculus, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, English, and Spanish. All tutoring services are FREE and are held in the Library. Please take advantage of the tutoring services that XL student tutors are willing to offer you to improve your grades this semester.
6. Do you want to be a part of the 2019-2020 ASB class? Come to K-5 to pick up a packet.  All applications are due March 8th.
7. Come attend our First Night Rally!  Mr. Pioneer Pageant will take place Friday, March 15th @ 6:30pm in the gym!  Come see your seniors!  Also, featuring Elevate, games, and lot of laughs! All for Free!
8. Attention all Pioneer students and Mt. Whitney staff, XL is hosting a Salsa Showdown on Friday, March 8st after school in the XL room S-11. Everyone is welcome to enter the Salsa Showdown. The categories are; Sweet, Hot, Best-Looking, and Best Tasting. If you think your salsa is tasty enough to win the showdown, please pick up a registration form at the front office or the XL room S-11. Crowd favorite will win a chance to represent Mt. Whitney High School at the Annual Linwood Elementary "Lettuce Tunip The Beat Nutritional Salsa Contest" on March 19th. For further questions about the Salsa Showdown please reach out to the XL Site Director Ivet.
9.  Attention all students and Mt. Whitney staff, the Hip-Hop Club is having a Custom Button-Making fundraiser. Button size are 2 ¼ inches and are only $3 dollars. If you are interested in getting a customized button please email your school appropriate picture to Ivet the XL Site Director at isoria at pyheart.org<mailto:isoria at pyheart.org> Please allow 3-4 for days for pick up. This fundraiser is going on until the end of the school year. For more information on the Custom Button-Making fundraiser talk to a Hip-Hop Club member or stop by the XL room S-11.
10. 48 HOUR FLASH SALE FOR YEARBOOKS! Get yours while you can! We made our final order of books from Jostens and included 100 extra books that we are now selling. Once these are gone, THAT'S IT, we can NOT order anymore! THIS Thursday and Friday, March 7th and 8th will be your first opportunity to get one of these soon to be gone lifetime keepsakes. The books are $90, CASH ONLY at the school but mention the key phrase "YAY YEARBOOK!" and receive $5 OFF your purchase. (You can still purchase your book online at Jostens.com with a credit card but there are no online discounts).


Club Notes

1.     The GSA Club will meet in J-4 for the rest of the semester.  Newcomers are welcome.

2.     The Intersectional Feminist Club meets every Monday at lunch in K7. Join us and bring a friend!

3.     Come join Hip-Hop Club after school Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. We have a new Choreographer!  Everyone is Welcome!! Come out and have fun with us!

4.     Calling all Key Clubbers!  We have a meeting on Wednesday, March 6 in B25 at 12:50!  Our sponsoring Kiwanis group will be visiting and sharing some more volunteer opportunities for you to participate.  Come by and get involved in the community!

5.     Come to S11 TOMORROW during lunch for Fellowship of Christian Athletes Club to enjoy food, fun, and a great speaker!

6.     The STEM club would like to congratulate the following medal winners in last Saturday's Science Olympiad competition:

Ayerim Estrada and Chris Luna took 1st place in Forensics.

Juliann Vang and Cesar Meza took first place in Herpetology. Gianna Hollingsworth and Derek Quintanilla took 2nd place in Chemistry Lab. Thank you for representing Mt. Whitney.

7.     Attention FFA members- On March 13th, there will be a business meeting at 4:00pm in the cafeteria.  After the meetings, at 6:30pm a sectional meeting will be held at RollerTowne until 8:30pm.  Price is $5 to go.  Money will be due to your AS teacher by March 8th.  Hope to see you there.

[cid:image008.jpg at 01D4D2A0.482A9EA0]  Senior Notes [cid:image008.jpg at 01D4D2A0.482A9EA0]

1.     Seniors-Come by the counseling office during lunch or before/after school to sign up for college visits.

2.  Attention Seniors!  Do you want to be the next Mr. Pioneer?  If so, sign up w/ Mrs. Naylor in  K-5!  Mr. Pioneer week is April 8- April 12.

3.     Seniors! Jostens will be on campus March 19th in S-12 which is located behind the cafeteria.  You will be released at 11:45am to pick up your graduation items.  IF you have not ordered your cap, gown and tassel, please order soon so it is ready for pick up by March 19th.  The longer you wait, you may not get a perfect fit and you may have to take what Jostens has left in stock.  You may either call 1-800-Jostens or go to Jostens.com!  If you are only wanting to order a cap, gown, and tassel, cost is $18 plus tax.

4.     Attention Students:  UC Berkeley will be on campus March 28, 2019 during 2nd period. If you are interested in attending, you must sign up in the counseling office with Ms. Herrera.

5.    Attention Students:  If you are in need of community service hours, please sign-up for the Conyer Book Fair in the counseling office with Ms. Herrera. Conyer Book Fair will start on Friday March 8th through March 15th. There will also be a Conyer Book Fair after school sign-up sheet for Thursday March 14th @ 5:30-7pm.

[cid:image009.png at 01D4D2A0.482A9EA0]College Visit Sign-ups [cid:image010.png at 01D4D2A0.482A9EA0]

Not at this time

[cid:image011.jpg at 01D4D2A0.482A9EA0]Senior Scholarships [cid:image012.jpg at 01D4D2A0.482A9EA0]

Visalia Education Foundation Scholarships<http://www.visaliaedfoundation.org/student-scholarships.html>
Due: 3/8 @ 5:00 pm   (RECEIVED BY DATE)
Amount: Multiple awards, amounts vary

·        All scholarships listed require ONE application and have the same deadline.

·        Various criteria - view the list at the link to determine which scholarships apply to you
You can pick up a copy in the counseling office, click on the link for the fillable application

To unsubscribe or subscribe to the Daily Bulletin:

Have questions regarding the bulletin? Contact:

Veronica Reyes, MWHS

vreyes at vusd.org

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