[MWHS Daily Bulletin] March 21 2019- Daily Bulletin

Mount Whitney High School Daily Bulletin mwhs-bulletin at mailman.vusd.org
Wed Mar 20 15:24:29 PDT 2019

[cid:image001.jpg at 01D4DF31.01047D50]Mt. Whitney High School[cid:image001.jpg at 01D4DF31.01047D50]

A California Distinguished School & Home of the Pioneers!
Go Pioneers!
[Image result for month of feb school clipart]<https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwig4_qhuLzgAhUTHXwKHV2cDwQQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https://leobaeck.ca/2018/02/12/kindness/&psig=AOvVaw2XJ0OFyWvzDAQkLK2zTBlI&ust=1550275284410451>March 21, 2019

[cid:image001.jpg at 01D0F789.9EFA7A20]  [cid:image004.jpg at 01D4DF31.01047D50]                                 Thursday, Mar. 21, 2019




Period 0
7:20 am- 8:17 am
58 minutes

Period 0
7:20 am- 8:17 am
58 minutes

Period 0
7:20 am- 8:17 am
58 minutes

Period 0
7:20 am- 8:17 am
58 minutes

Period 1
8:23 am-9:43 am
80 minutes

Period 6
8:23 am-9:43 am
80 minutes

Period 1
8:23 am-9:43 am
80 minutes

Period 6
8:23 am-9:43 am
80 minutes

Period 2
9:49 am-11:09 am
80 minutes

Period 5
9:49 am-11:09 am
80 minutes

Period 2
9:49 am-11:09 am
80 minutes

Period 5
9:49 am-11:09 am
80 minutes

Period 3
11:15 am-12:35 pm
80 minutes

Period 4
11:15 am-12:35 pm
80 minutes

Period 3
11:15 am-12:35 pm
80 minutes

Period 4
11:15 am-12:35 pm
80 minutes

12:35 pm-1:15 pm
40 minutes

12:35 pm-1:15 pm
40 minutes

12:35 pm-1:15 pm
40 minutes

12:35 pm-1:15 pm
40 minutes

Period 4
1:21 pm-1:57 pm
36 minutes

Period 3
1:21 pm-1:57 pm
36 minutes

Period 4
1:21 pm-1:57 pm
36 minutes

Period 3
1:21 pm-1:57 pm
36 minutes

Period 5
2:03 pm-2:39 pm
36 minutes

Period 2
2:03 pm-2:39 pm
36 minutes

Period 5
2:03 pm-2:39 pm
36 minutes

Period 2
2:03 pm-2:39 pm
36 minutes

Period 6
2:45 pm-3:21 pm
36 minutes

Period 1
2:45 pm-3:21 pm
36 minutes

Period 6
2:45 pm-3:21 pm
36 minutes

Period 1
2:45 pm-3:21 pm
36 minutes

Attention Bike Riders:  please lock your bikes each day INSIDE the bike rack.  Please do not park them on the outside of the bike rack area.  Thank you.

Ø  Attention Students:

Ø  Students who arrive to school after the tardy bell 1st period and the gate is locked will be assigned one day lunch detention that day in B24.  IDs will be collected in the office.  When the student goes to detention that day, the ID will be returned to them at the end of the detention.   Also, ALL students who are not in the gate when the tardy bell rings 5th period will have their off campus privileges revoked for one week. Student IDs will be collected at the gate and returned after school.

[cid:image006.jpg at 01D4DF31.01047D50]Student Notes[cid:image006.jpg at 01D4DF31.01047D50]
1. Students, please take a few minutes to recognize Pioneers showing PRIDE. You can choose to nominate staff members for Staff of the Month or other students as Everyday Pioneers. Use the Google Form provided.   https://goo.gl/forms/2uDgMSgEMeTA8wMy1.
2.  Attention All Pioneers, if you are struggling in a class or need extra help with homework assignments XL student tutors are here to help you! XL tutoring services are offered before school on Monday's 7am to 9am and Tuesday thru Thursday 7am to 8am. After school tutoring is offered Monday thru Thursday from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. Tutoring services consist of; Math 1, Math 2, Math 3, Pre-Calculus, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, English, and Spanish. All tutoring services are FREE and are held in the Library. Please take advantage of the tutoring services that XL student tutors are willing to offer you to improve your grades this semester.
3.  Attention all students and Mt. Whitney staff, the Hip-Hop Club is having a Custom Button-Making fundraiser. Button size are 2 ¼ inches and are only $3 dollars. If you are interested in getting a customized button please email your school appropriate picture to Ivet the XL Site Director at isoria at pyheart.org<mailto:isoria at pyheart.org> Please allow 3-4 for days for pick up. This fundraiser is going on until the end of the school year. For more information on the Custom Button-Making fundraiser talk to a Hip-Hop Club member or stop by the XL room S-11.
4. Just a reminder that we will be going on a modified block schedule beginning TODAY and continuing every Tuesday-Friday until April 5th Juniors will be taking the ELA portion of the CAASPP 3/12-3/22 and the Math portion 3/26-4/5. Seniors will be taking the CAST 4/2-4/5. Reminder- Tuesdays and Thursdays, follow the regular order of classes (periods 1st-6th).  On Wednesdays and Fridays, your schedule is reverse (periods 6th-1st).  Pre-1st doesn't change.
5. Students, please take a few minutes to recognize Pioneers showing PRIDE. You can choose to nominate staff members for Staff of the Month or other students as Everyday Pioneers. Use the Google Form provided. https://goo.gl/forms/2uDgMSgEMeTA8wMy1
6.  Attention Junior and Senior girls- Need a dress for prom? It is time for the Enchanted Evening Prom Dress Give-Away! The event will take place on April 13, 2019 at the Wyndham Hotel. In order to participate, you MUST sign up with Mrs. Araiza in the student supervision office by April 5th.
7. Mr. Perrotta's Biotechnology classes are raising money through the Living Water World Missions charity to provide clean drinking water for villages in Guatemala. If you would like to donate to this worthy cause, please stop by room H-5 to contribute. No amount is too large or small. If we can raise $4500, we will provide clean drinking water for an entire village of Guatemalans. Thank you for considering this!
8. Junior and Senior boys who need help renting a tuxedo for Prom, please see Mrs. Araiza for more information.
9. Hey Mt. Whitney!  Come to the Amphitheater TOMORROW at lunch and watch your friends in Intro to Dance, Advanced Dance, and Elevate perform dances that will be in our annual dance show next week!  Hope to see you all there!

10.  Do you have a passion for the arts? Do you enjoy performing and want to showcase your talent and increase your confidence in performing in front of others? Sign up with Mrs. Archuleta in the Band Room (N-3) after school or during lunches for a chance to perform in the amphitheater during lunch on Fridays. Our first performance takes place TOMORROW at lunch in the Amphitheater with 3 dance groups. A wonderful sneak-peak from the dance department as they are preparing for their Dance Show next week!


Club Notes

1.     The GSA Club will meet in J-4 for the rest of the semester.  Newcomers are welcome.

2.     The Intersectional Feminist Club meets every Monday at lunch in K7. Join us and bring a friend!

3.     Come join Hip-Hop Club after school Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. We have a new Choreographer!  Everyone is Welcome!! Come out and have fun with us!

[cid:image008.jpg at 01D4DF31.01047D50]  Senior Notes [cid:image008.jpg at 01D4DF31.01047D50]

1.     Seniors-Come by the counseling office during lunch or before/after school to sign up for college visits.

2.  Attention Seniors!  Do you want to be the next Mr. Pioneer?  If so, sign up w/ Mrs. Naylor in  K-5!  Mr. Pioneer week is April 8- April 12.

3.     Attention Students:  UC Berkeley will be on campus March 28, 2019 during 2nd period. If you are interested in attending, you must sign up in the counseling office with Ms. Herrera.

4.     Seniors - the following scholarships are due soon:

·       The Visalia Mineral King Masonic Lodge Scholarship - you must complete the application and submit an essay about service to others. The deadline is March 23.

·       Pioneer Aquatics Club - you must have been a member of PAC, have participated in swim or water polo for 4 semesters, and have a 3.0 or higher. Applicants must also submit an essay. Deadline is March 30th.  For details regarding these scholarships, please see Ms. Bravo or Ms. Herrera in the Counseling Office.

5.    ASB elections will take place TOMORROW at lunch in k5. Please bring your school ID, Seniors cannot vote. Hope to see you at the polls!

[cid:image009.png at 01D4DF31.01047D50]College Visit Sign-ups [cid:image010.png at 01D4DF31.01047D50]

Not at this time

[cid:image011.jpg at 01D4DF31.01047D50]Senior Scholarships [cid:image012.jpg at 01D4DF31.01047D50]

Proteus, Inc. Standard Scholarship<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FCYCpQ2bleyWVp1JDRW1Qty-VaNMpWJx/view?usp=sharing>
Due: 3/22
Amount: TBD
                Applicant must be low income

  *   Applicant and/or their parent must have received a service from proteus within the last 4 years
  *   Must be a full time student for 2019-2020
  *   Plan to attend 2 or 4 year college
  *   Student not eligible to apply for scholarship are: Proteus employees or their immediate relatives.
  *   Click here for additional details: Proteus Info <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uKP6BPldYyyc1fkBuVRnOZD9s6xS3z9G/view?usp=sharing>

Visalia Mineral King Masonic Lodge Scholarship # 128<https://drive.google.com/file/d/18cS8Br24Xk3y9zBIiVngh8Nkq-nDI8wq/view?usp=sharing>

Due: 3/23

Amount: $500


·        No criteria listed

·        Essay regarding "Service to Others" required

Sun Pacific #1<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jVAGJXdY_VigxlH-M--tx_GaDxmf9bu5/view?usp=sharing>

Due: 3/22

Amount: $20,000


  *   Children of full-time employees working for Sun Pacific are eligible to apply. This scholarship amount is for students planning to pursue a bachelor's degree.
  *    Recipients will be selected on the basis of scholastic achievement, extracurricular activities, community activities, leadership, personal interview and financial need.

For more info go to the following link: Sun Pacific Information<https://drive.google.com/file/d/19nImxSw1RDwYQ7NQKMWGXVd6A_9mgr2M/view?usp=sharing>

Sun Pacific #2<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jVAGJXdY_VigxlH-M--tx_GaDxmf9bu5/view?usp=sharing>

Due: 3/22

Amount: $3,000


  *   Children of full-time employees working for Sun Pacific are eligible to apply. This scholarship amount is for students planning to attend an accredited trade school or community college.
  *    Recipients will be selected on the basis of scholastic achievement, extracurricular activities, community activities, leadership, personal interview and financial need.

For more info go to the following link: Sun Pacific Information<https://drive.google.com/file/d/19nImxSw1RDwYQ7NQKMWGXVd6A_9mgr2M/view?usp=sharing>

Tulare County Replacement Heifer Sale<https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gzyvtuPgqAMb8n2PC1Pwvuh7w92kfG5u>

Due: 3/22

Amount: TBA


·        Participated in the Replacement Heifer project for at least two years, one of which must be junior or senior year

·        Min. 3.0 GPA

Caltrans District 6 Transportation Scholarship<http://www.dot.ca.gov/d6/scholarships/>

Due: 3/29

Amount: $1,000-$2,000


Transportation Scholarships are available to high school students who will pursue a career in a transportation related field.

o   Possess a GPA of 2.5 or better.

o   Plan to attend a university or junior college, or trade school.

o   Applicants will have the opportunity to be selected for a $1,000 or a $2,000 scholarship.

Employee Family Scholarships are available to high school students who will pursue a career in a transportation related field and are related to a current, former, or retired Caltrans District 6 employee.

o   Possess a GPA of 2.5 or better.

o   Plan to attend a university or junior college or trade school.

o   Applicants will have the opportunity to be selected for a $1,000 or a $2,000 scholarships

City of Visalia - Police Activities League (PAL)<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zf-6lU4thbHoFVi_tWSA1b3MMwDYxYOn/view?usp=sharing>

Due: 3/29

Amount: $2,500


·        Be graduating from a Visalia High School

·        Have 2.5 GPA or higher

·        Have applied to and have been accepted at a 2 or 4 year post-secondary education institution

·        Participated in or assisted with a Visalia Police Activities League Program or activity at some point during k-12 grades (includes involvement in sports programs, Youth Leadership programs, volunteer, etc)

Omni Family Health Scholarship

Due: 3/29

Amount: $1,000


·        Must express interest in the healthcare profession

·        Current senior

·        Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher

·        3 letters of recommendation

Interested applicants must see Ms. Bravo or Ms. Herrera in the Counseling Office

Danny Romanazzi Memorial Scholarship - Sons of Italy in America<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fX2v89fRSa9PqLTxVMWdFZTPnXItNEow/view?usp=sharing>

Due: 3/30

Amount: TBD


This scholarship is for a high school senior that has had cancer or is dealing with cancer. There are no restrictions, grades, nationality.

Anthony Brucia Success Award (CASCWA)<https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/e61db7_55c8f8eb65484163b6fe8b820c72ff03.pdf>

Due: 3/29

Amount:$1,000 (5 Awards)


  *   The award is intended for resilient pupils who have made a turn-around in their lives. The kind of pupil we want to recognize and honor is the pupil who most likely did not have a 4.0+ throughout high school. CASCWA is looking for a student who has had to overcome lack of success early on due to a variety of reasons, including but not limited to personal or family problems. We want to acknowledge and support those pupils who may have been burdened by "at risk" circumstances and/or may have "hit bottom" but are now putting things back together and show future promise.

Link for additional info: CASCWA Information Sheet<https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/e61db7_618efadaf87c44afa779b3e744f1faa0.pdf>

Tulare County League of Mexican-American Women Scholarship<https://drive.google.com/file/d/114h3CK5FfiKdqW6djEvmuu5h6SqzuKv_/view?usp=sharing>

Due: 3/31

Amount:  TBA


·        Applicant must plan to attend a college or university in the fall of 2019

·        Must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher

·        Must demonstrate financial need

·        Must be a resident of Tulare County

** Read through all instructions on application **

Ray Jones Scholarship Fund<https://drive.google.com/file/d/147m1QT-YSEG1XoJcJIaJ-gB2_7jnxp94/view?usp=sharing>

Due: 3/31

Amount: $2,500-$5,000


·        Eligible applicants must be of California Indian descent

·        Graduating senior in good standing with a 2.0 or higher

·        Demonstrate financial need

·        Seek enrollment in a post-secondary degree program at an accredited two or four-year college, university, or vocational-technical school

PPAV Scholarship<https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XaGg1wu6NwneP3ciYLZf4MJVfwiYyzP6>

Due: 3/29

Amount: $500


·        Ancestry or PPAV Affiliation - Must be Portuguese decent (state relatives) / State how your family is affiliated with PPAV

·        Academics - 3.0 GPA or above - must attach transcripts

·        Community involvement - List your involvement in volunteer and/or religious organizations in your community

·        Leadership - list your leadership qualities through positions of responsibility in school, church, or volunteer organizations

·        Honors - List your academic honors (National Honor Society, etc) that you received from local, civic, or church organizations

·        Rating System - Each applicant will be rated in academics, community involvement, leadership, financial needs, and honors.

Blue Diamond Growers Scholarship<http://bluediamondgrowers.com/scholarship-program/>


Amount: TBD


·        Applicants must come from almond producing area of CA

·        Intend to be a full time student at a 4 year university

·        Intend to major in selected fields of agriculture

·        Other selection criteria

o   Scholastic achievement

o   Leadership qualities (such as participation in 4-H, FFA, church, clubs, student government, civic organizations)

o   Financial need

To unsubscribe or subscribe to the Daily Bulletin:

Have questions regarding the bulletin? Contact:

Veronica Reyes, MWHS

vreyes at vusd.org

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