[MWHS Daily Bulletin] October 29, 2019- UPDATE- SENIOR NOTE
Mount Whitney High School Daily Bulletin
mwhs-bulletin at mailman.vusd.org
Mon Oct 28 15:32:50 PDT 2019
[cid:image001.jpg at 01D58DA4.F29BD6F0]Mt. Whitney High School[cid:image001.jpg at 01D58DA4.F29BD6F0]
A California Distinguished School & Home of the Pioneers!
Go Pioneers!
October 29, 2019
[Image result for october clip art]<https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwi5vf_Az_nkAhUHuZ4KHYvWCPoQjRx6BAgBEAQ&url=https://www.clipartwiki.com/iclip/xJiTJo_cropped-october-clip-art-clipart-2-image-pumpkins/&psig=AOvVaw3g7TgDZYE2Fn15LEohZn_N&ust=1569969679906797>
Daily Bulletin
[cid:image003.jpg at 01D58DA4.F29BD6F0] REGULAR Tuesday- October 29, 2019 [cid:image003.jpg at 01D58DA4.F29BD6F0]
Tuesday-Friday (Regular) Bell Schedule
Period 0
- 8:17
57 minutes
Period 1
- 9:20
57 minutes
Period 2
- 10:29
63 minutes
Period 3
- 11:32
57 minutes
Period 4
- 12:35
57 minutes
- 1:15
40 minutes
Period 5
- 2:18
57 minutes
Period 6
- 3:21
57 minutes
? Attention Bike Riders: please lock your bikes each day INSIDE the bike rack. Please do not park them on the outside of the bike rack area. Thank you.
? Attention Students:
ALL students who are not in the gate when the tardy bell rings 1st period will be given a lunch detention and ID taken. Please report to B-24 for lunch detention and ID will be returned. Because there is no detention on Fridays, If you come in late on Friday, you will not be allowed to leave campus for lunch and will have to serve detention on Monday.
[cid:image004.jpg at 01D58DA4.F29BD6F0]Student Notes[cid:image004.jpg at 01D58DA4.F29BD6F0]
1. Landed a job and need a work permit? Come to the front office and pick up an application with Mrs. Reyes
2. Juniors and Seniors- We are in need of Scicon counselors, If you are interested and want more information, please see Ms. Herrera in the counseling office (L-2).
3. Attention Juniors and Seniors: Are you interested in developing Leadership Skills? Could you use Paid Summer Work Experience? #LEAD is a free college and career readiness program that has wonderful opportunities for you! Meet youth from other Visalia schools, embark on University field trips, and get paid to test out a future career! Space is limited. If interested in applying please pick up an application, or call Amanda Olguin, CSET Youth Coordinator, for more information at 713-5148
4. Due to the excessive miss-use of skateboards on campus, there will be no skateboards stored in teacher's classrooms, carrying of skateboards on campus, or riding on campus. All skateboards will be stored at the beginning of the day in the skateboard lockers. Anyone breaking the rules will lose the privilege of bringing a skateboard at all and they will be confiscated.
5. The Pioneer Partners are selling BOO GRAMS for $1.00. They include a cute card made by students in our class as well as our club members. They also come with a small bag of yummy candy. They will be delivered on 10/31 during the designated class period noted on the purchased card. We will also have a table set out Mondays and Fridays until Halloween during lunch. You can also come by G-4 to purchase one throughout the day. Get ready to say BOO to your friends!
6. Looking for Merch for Cowhide activities next week? Come by the front office if you'd like to purchase a MW long sleeve t-shirt for $20 each, short sleeve t-shirt for $15 each, XS- 3XL!
7. Cowhide Dress Up Days:
Cowhide 2019
"Pioneers Assemble"
October 28th-November 1st
Marvel Monday- Wear Class Colors!
( Freshmen-Purple, Sophomores-Yellow, Juniors-Green, Seniors-Red)
Time Travel Tuesday
(Dress as your favorite decade!)
Sleepy Hero Wednesday
(Wear your PJs to school!)
Spook the Rangers Thursday
(Halloween Attire)
Friday- Duty Calls- MOOroon Madness
(Wear Whitney/Cowhide Spirit!)
8. Please bring gently used shoes of all kinds you would like to donate for the Homeless. They could be dropped off in a box placed in the Attendance Office. Thank you!
9. Ammo can do lifts, push-ups with a 20lbs vest, physical training drills, and marching! This is exactly what your Mt Whitney Cadets taught the 8th graders of Divisadero Middle School this past Friday at the Divisadero Career Fair. These Cadets displayed their Selfless Service, bold leadership, wise judgment, and complete dedication to duty by demonstrating their Pioneer Pride and desire to expand our Cadet Corps Program. Job well done Cadets.
10. Attention Students- If you would like some volunteer hours, Washington Elementary School is looking for volunteers for their after school Bible club, they meet on Wednesday from 2-4pm. If you are interested please sign up in the counseling office (L-2) with Ms. Herrera.
Club Notes
1. Anime Club meeting will be every Thursday in Rm. H4 during lunch
2. Attention all HOSA members: there will be a general meeting this Wednesday in room S-12 at lunch. See you there!
3. This week's GSA meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday October 31st during Lunch. We will still meet in T-5. See you there!
[cid:image006.jpg at 01D58DA4.F29BD6F0] Senior Notes [cid:image006.jpg at 01D58DA4.F29BD6F0]
1. SENIORS, ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT: REMINDER, the deadline for purchasing a senior ad for you and/or friends to appear in this year's yearbook is THIS FRIDAY, November 1st. Come to Room B-207 or contact any yearbook staff member if you are interested or would like more information.
2. Attention Seniors: planning on attending any UC campus next year! We are having a UC Application Workshop on Friday, November 8 from 8:30-12:30 in L-4. Maria from UC Merced will be here to tell you about what UC Merced has to offer, answer your UC questions, and help you actually fill out your applications on line. If you would like to attend this UC Application Workshop, sign up in L-2. For questions, see Mrs. Sarabian.
3. Attention Juniors and Seniors- Our ASVAB exam will be on Wednesday, November, 13th,2019 if you are interested, please sign up in the counseling office with Ms. Herrera.
[cid:image007.png at 01D58DA4.F29BD6F0]College Visit Sign-ups [cid:image008.png at 01D58DA4.F29BD6F0]
Not at the time
[cid:image009.jpg at 01D58DA4.F29BD6F0]Senior Scholarships [cid:image010.jpg at 01D58DA4.F29BD6F0]
COS Institutional Scholarships
Deadline: 11/25
Amount: Varies
1. Complete one online application - will be matched to all available scholarships.
2. For seniors planning to attend COS
3. All incoming (high school students) without a COS Banner ID will create an account and login on subsequent site visits via Scholarship Manager.
4. Incoming students who have a COS Banner ID will login via Banner Web. Once in Banner Web, select "Student Services & Financial Aid" then "Scholarship Manager."
5. Link: https://cos.scholarships.ngwebsolutions.com/CMXAdmin/Cmx_Content.aspx?cpId=496
Elk's National Foundation 2018 Most Valuable Student
Deadline: 11/5 @ 11:59pm
Amount: $1,000-$12,500 per year
Criteria: The Elks National Foundation will award 500 four-year scholarships to the highest-rated applicants in the 2018 competition.
* Current high school seniors, or the equivalent, who are citizens of the United States are eligible to apply.
* Applicants need not be related to a member of the Elks.
* High school graduates are not eligible to apply.
* Applicants must be citizens of the United States on the date their applications are signed; permanent legal resident status does not qualify.
* Male and female students compete separately.
Application Process: Apply at https://www.elks.org/scholars/scholarships/mvs.cfm<https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.elks.org%2Fscholars%2Fscholarships%2Fmvs.cfm&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNGAksV90OEdJ9r4IKxqGaRncr_Hyw>
AED Superstore $1000 College Scholarship
Deadline: 11/30
Amount: $1,000
Criteria: To be eligible, you must be a legal resident of the U.S. You must be either a college-bound high school senior or a student currently enrolled in an accredited university.
Application Process: Select one of the six facts provided on the site and submit either a short essay or video which answers the prompt provided.
Link: http://www.aedsuperstore.com/scholarship.html<http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aedsuperstore.com%2Fscholarship.html&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNHMsqapctBSYetDaReVBO2rF0VGbQ>
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Have questions regarding the bulletin? Contact:
Veronica Reyes, MWHS
vreyes at vusd.org<mailto:vreyes at vusd.org>
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