12.20.19 Daily Bulletin Update

Cisneros, Christina ccisneros at vusd.org
Thu Dec 19 15:59:32 PST 2019

Update: New Announcement. Contest Topic.

Attention students! Would you like to earn scholarship money using your speaking skills? If so, take advantage of this great opportunity. This contest is open to all students grades 9-12.
The Lions Club will be hosting the 2020 Student Speakers Contest. This year's topic is "Homelessness in California: What is the solution?" The contest will take place February 3rd.
For signs ups and more information, see Mrs. Jauregui in the Counseling Office!
The deadline to sign up is January 23rd.

Christina Cisneros
Redwood High School
Admin Assistant Spanish Student Services
(559)622-3485 ext. 255

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