Bulletin 10.05.21

Cisneros, Christina ccisneros at vusd.org
Mon Oct 4 15:50:17 PDT 2021


Redwood daily bulletin for Tuesday, 10.05.21

DAILY BULLETIN<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/O6sNCkR0nkSZLU2N49g?domain=docs.google.com>
RHS Daily Bulletin CSF NEWS!! Next Mandatory CSF meeting is October 20 at 7:00 PM on Zoom. Use this link which will also be on REMIND:\u000Bhttps://vusd-us.zoom.us/j/95546167125?pwd=c2l0L0dRWFU2c1VKekJNTnpySEdTUT09\u000B If you are a current member, please plan on attending! Freshmen who are in...

Christina Cisneros
Admin. Assistant Spanish
Student Services
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