Bulletin for 09.09.21

Cisneros, Christina ccisneros at vusd.org
Thu Sep 9 15:52:21 PDT 2021


Redwood daily bulletin for 09.09.21


DAILY BULLETIN<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yEWC2TCIFdn_Cthiwty8omPA4hEpVaZtVK2wCH7PPDI/edit?usp=sharing>
RHS Daily Bulletin Homecoming Week!! 9/7 - 9/10 NEED A SCHOOL ID? Come by the finance window on Tuesdays & Thursdays after school to pick one up. If you lost your ID and need a replacement, come on by and will issue you one for $10. CSF IMPORTANT NE...

Christina Cisneros
Admin. Assistant Spanish
Student Services
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