[VTEC-Bulletin] Bulletin 9.8
Roebuck, Karen
kroebuck at vusd.org
Wed Sep 7 10:51:52 PDT 2022
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Daily Bulletin - Volume 11; Issue 20
September 9th is the FIRST "Donuts with Davis". This event will begin at 7:45am in Room 4 at VTEC High School - open to VTEC parents.
TCOE College Night - September 13th from 5:30pm-7:30pm at the Visalia Convention Center.
The VTEC School Site Council will be starting this month. We need a couple of parents to sit on the School Site Council (SSC) as parent representatives. If you would like to volunteer, please click on this LINK<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/wIkZC1wvlOtp474wuLkJxI?domain=forms.gle> and share your information.
Fresno State Super Saturday African American College and Career Summit -Saturday, October 15th from 8am-2:30pm. See Mrs. Diaz or Mrs. Lalanne for more information if you are interested.
Additional SCICON dates - We have added additional dates for SCICON. October 31-November 4th and January 17-January 20th. If you are interested, complete an Application and see Mrs. Roebuck or Mrs. Lalanne.
CSF - Anyone interested in CSF needs to pick up an Application from Mrs. Fraley, in Room 6. If you have your completed Application and have the $5.00 dues, please see Ms. Kavadas in the office between 1-4 PM to pay. Watch the Bulletin and RtI schedule for a meeting in a few weeks. We will be meeting next time to vote for officers. See Mrs. Fraley in Room 6with any questions.
Students Late From Lunch - If you are tardy returning to school following lunch, your ID will be taken and you will lose your off campus lunch privileges for 5 days.
Third party food deliveries will NOT be accepted in the office (parent lunch drop-off ok). Students must meet third party deliveries during lunch only in front of the school. Any deliveries before or after lunch will not be accepted. Thank you -
Students - Friendly reminder that the front parking lot is for staff and visitors only. There is student parking in the lot north of the office. Thank you -
FFA Calendar link: https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/PhzqC2kwmPUkYNYoI1dyEc?domain=bit.ly
Scholarship Foundation -
Harvest Festival & Pancake Breakfast Planning meeting - Thursday, September 15th at 6pm in Room 4.
Scholarship Foundation meeting will be October 6th at 6pm in Room 4. All VTEC parents are welcome.
Seniors -
Jostens will be on campus Wednesday, October 12th at 8:30am for cap-n-gown orders. Jostens will return to campus on Wednesday, October 19th at 8:30am to take payment for the orders. More information to follow.
Scholarships ~
More Information is on the Class of 2023 Schoology Page -
OR See Mrs. Lalanne in the Office
Cameron Impact Scholarship - Due 09/09/2022 - See link: https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/2CO6C31xngtmk5kYI2zxkS?domain=bryancameroneducationfoundation.org
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